Author: Alex Hall

Gyula Klima is a Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, USA, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Founding Member, and Director of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, and Editor of its proceedings. Professor Klima”s most recent book is Questions on the Soul by John Buridan and Others: A Companion to John Buridan”s Philosophy of Mind.Alex Hall is a Professor of Philosophy at Clayton State University, USA, Assistant Director of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics, and Managing Editor of its proceedings. His recent scholarship includes “Natural Theology in the Middle Ages” in the Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology.

8 Ebooks by Alex Hall

Gyula Klima: Consciousness and Self-Knowledge in Medieval Philosophy
Contemporary introductions to the theme of self-knowledge too often trace its emergence in the history of philosophy to thinkers such as Rene Descartes and David Hume. Whereas Descartes conceives of …
Alex Hall & Gyula Klima: Hylomorphism and Mereology
Mereology is the metaphysical theory of parts and wholes, including their conditions of identity and persistence through change. Hylomorphism is the metaphysical doctrine according to which all natur …
Gyula Klima: Being, Goodness and Truth (Volume 16
This volume considers the Aristotelian virtue-ethics tradition as it develops in the writings of Thomas Aquinas. Part One studies the types of virtues Aquinas believes are held by Christians in a sta …
Gyula Klima: Medieval and Early Modern Epistemology
This author-meets-critics volume about Robert Pasnau’s After Certainty treats the history of epistemology, from Aristotle to the present. Pasnau presents this history as a gradual lowering of expecta …
Alex Hall & Gyula Klima: Metaphysical Themes, Medieval and Modern (Volume 11
Metaphysical Themes, Medieval and Modern presents three sets of essays that engage the metaphysics of substance through a study of thought on this theme over the last eight centuries, shedding light …
Alex Hall & Gyula Klima: Skepticism, Causality and Skepticism about Causality (Volume 10
Skepticism, Causality and Skepticism about Causality studies the interrelated themes of causality and skepticism in contemporary, early modern and medieval philosophy. Thomas Aquinas’s celebrated pro …
Alex Hall & Timothy Kearns: Aquinas and Us (Volume 18
This volume considers the contemporary relevance of Aquinas’ thought and what parameters should influence its reception. It discusses the reception of Aquinas on creation ex nihilo and offers guideli …
Alex Hall: Earnest Ink