Nonlinear Oscillations is a self-contained and thorough treatment of the vigorous research that has occurred in nonlinear mechanics since 1970. The book begins with fundamental concepts and techniques of analysis and progresses through recent developments and provides an overview that abstracts and introduces main nonlinear phenomena. It treats systems having a single degree of freedom, introducing basic concepts and analytical methods, and extends concepts and methods to systems having degrees of freedom. Most of this material cannot be found in any other text. Nonlinear Oscillations uses simple physical examples to explain nonlinear dispersive and nondispersive waves. The notation is unified and the analysis modified to conform to discussions. Solutions are worked out in detail for numerous examples, results are plotted and explanations are couched in physical terms. The book contains an extensive bibliography.
Table of Content
Conservative Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems.
Nonconservative Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems.
Forced Oscillations of Systems Having a Single Degree of Freedom.
Parametrically Excited Systems.
Systems Having Finite Degrees of Freedom.
Continuous Systems.
Traveling Waves.
About the author
Ali H. Nayfeh received his BS in engineering science and his MS and Ph D in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford University. He holds honorary doctorates from Marine Technical University, Russia, Technical University of Munich, Germany, and Politechnika Szczecinska, Poland. He is currently University Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Virginia Tech. He is the Editor of the Wiley Series in Nonlinear Science and Editor in Chief of Nonlinear Dynamics and the Journal of Vibration and Control.
Dean T. Mook received his Ph D degree in engineering mechanics from the University of Michigan. He is presently Professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.