Anshuman joined NTU in November-2012 and leads the Electromobility and Grid connectivity areas of RD&D in the Energy Research Institute at NTU (ERI@N). Before joining ERI@N he has spent close to 10 years in the industry. From July-2004 to August-2007 at GE, he formed electrical machine design competence in GE-global research delivering machine-converter solutions to GE transportation and GE healthcare systems. He also worked on wireless power transfer solutions for GE healthcare and GE-NBC. He then joined Vestas wind power systems in September-2007 where he was instrumental in creating a 2 MW and 3 MW converter design group comprising of hardware, software and control groups. This group delivered solutions for V-90, V-112 and V-164 turbine platforms of Vestas. Anshuman has research interests in grid connection of large and remote wind and solar farms, grid codes and compliance, power hardware in the loop simulations for power network designs, electrical drive train designs and hybrid Energy storage for stationary and mobile applications. He has 35 patents in the areas of power systems, control, electrical machines and 22 IEEE publications.
Dr Amit Soni did his BE Electrical (Electronics & Power) Engineering in 2001, scoring first rank and was awarded ‘Gold Medal’ for his outstanding academic performance. He did his MTech (Power System) in 2005 and Ph D (Power System) in 2012, both from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur. He has rich Academic & research experience of 21 years while working with various institutions, which includes 3 years of industrial experience in RRVPNL, Jaipur. He current working as Director (School of Electrical & electronics Engineering) Manipal University Jaipur from July 5th, 2022. He had worked as Director (International Collaborations), Manipal University Jaipur and contributed towards Mo U’s/Mo A’s with top QS Ranked Universities, Faculty & Student exchanges, successfully organizing Do IC Flagship events IWSMUJ – 2022 (Winter School), ISSMUJ -2022 (Summer School), Academic structuring of existing Mo U’s and IAESTE Events. In addition, he had worked as Director (Quality & Compliance), Manipal University Jaipur and successfully contributed for NIRF Ranking 2021, AQAR-1 and NBA visit for 5 Engineering Departments. He had served as Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur, for a duration of 4.5 years and had organized several National & International Workshops, Scopus Indexed International Conferences: 1st & 2nd Series ICTSES 2018 & 2021 (Springer Publisher), initiated Mo Us & collaborative agreements and successfully developed research laboratories in the Department. In addition to this, before joining MUJ he had served in various administrative capacities such as Director, Asians Institute of Technology, Rajasthan, Head EE, Coordinator & Chairman for different Academic Committees at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has published 30 research papers in high impact repute SCI indexed International Journals (Q1 & Q2 category), 50 Scopus Indexed IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier conferences, and have also published 15 Scopus Indexed book chapters. He has to his credit more than 90 research publications, several Invited Talks & Keynote addresses, and had chaired/co-chaired sessions in various conferences. He is regular reviewer of research articles for many high impact journals. His research interest includes Solar Energy Materials, Optoelectronics, Thin Film Technology, Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy Systems and Power System. He had supervised 4 Ph Ds and 5 research scholars are currently working under his supervision. He is presently working as PI for DST SERB funded (18.66 Lakh) research project in collaboration with MLSU, Udaipur and NIT, Uttarakhand. He is life member of Solar Energy Society of India, Member ISTE, India and IEEE, USA. 2020 OSA Ambassador and SPIE Community Champion, Dr. Manish Tiwari received Ph.D. in ECE in the field of Photonics from MNIT Jaipur. Presently, he is Professor and Head of Department of ECE at Manipal University Jaipur. He has more than 22 years of professional experience in various colleges and universities of repute. He has published more than 100+ research papers in reputed journals and conferences, and 8 book chapters. He has also authored and edited more than half a dozen of books. He has also supervised more than 29 projects sponsored by DST Rajasthan. He is principal investigator in a BRICS project on Quantum Satellite and Fiber Communication (Qu Sa F) alongwith research partners in UKZN Durban, PSUTI Samara and USTC Shanghai. He has also served on panel of experts and editor in various workshops by CSTT, MHRD, Govt. of India. He has been visiting researcher to City University, London under UKIERI project in Microstructured Optical Fibers during 2010 and 2011 and Tsinghua University, Beijing during 2016. Dr. Tiwari has presented talks in PIERS at NTU Singapore, APMP at Poly U-Hong Kong, TJMW at KMUT-Bangkok and Kasetsart University-Bangkok, City University- London and several UKIERI workshops. He is on the panel of Traveling Lecturer Program of reputed societies like SPIE (USA) and OSA (USA) under which he has delivered invited talks in USTC Shanghai, UESTC Chengdu, Tsinghua University Beijing, ITS Indonesia, University of Kwa Zulu-Natal, Durban (SA) on photonics technologies and career development. He has been Technical Program Committee member of many IEEE conferences and reviewer of IEEE/Elsevier/OSA/Springer/T&F journals. He is 2020 OSA Ambassador and former Chairman of IETE Rajasthan Centre. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and IEEE Photonics Society, Life Fellow of the Optical Society of India (OSI-India), Senior Member of OSA, Member of SPIE and Fellow of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) India. His current research interest includes Micro/Nano-structure photonic devices, Photonic ICs, fiber optics, numerical modelling, nonlinear optics and photonic crystal fibers.
Dr. Anil Swarnkar is presently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at MNIT, Jaipur. He has been associated with the institute for around 21 years. He is also serving as Associate Dean (Academics) at MNIT Jaipur. He has received POSOCO Power System Award-2013 in Ph.D. category for innovative research in the area of Power Systems. The award is given by Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO), Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd, in partnership with the Foundation for Innovation & Technology Transfer, IIT Delhi. He has a patent to his credit in 2015.
Dr Swarnkar did his B.E. and M. Tech. degrees with honors in Electrical Engineering from the Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, MP, and MNIT, Jaipur (Rajasthan), respectively. He did his Ph D in Electrical Engineering Department from MNIT, Jaipur. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Member of Power & Energy Society, and Grid Community, IEEE. He has a rich teaching experience of 21 years with 3 successful Doctoral degree completion under his guidance. He is currently supervising one Ph D scholar. He has delivered many invited talks at different platforms. He has successfully organized many Conferences/workshops/seminars/symposia at various capacity and has chaired/co-chaired sessions in number of national/international conferences.
Dr. Jagrati Sahariya, Assistant Professor – I, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand is working in the field of γ-ray scattering and band structure calculations since last 10 years. She has received her Ph.D. degree in 2012 in the field of electronic structure calculation and Compton scattering. She has studied electronic and magnetic properties of a variety of technological important materials. Dr. Sahariya has sufficient expertise in using different band structure methods like full potential linearized augmented plane wave, linear combinations of atomic orbitals and spin polarized relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker to compute electronic structure, optical and magnetic properties and Compton profiles of variety of materials. She has published more than 70 papers in peer reviewed international journals of high impact factor and repute conferences both at national and international level. She has also executed a research project funded by SERB under Fast Track Scheme.
8 Ebooks by Amit Soni
Akhtar Kalam & Khaleequr Rehman Niazi: Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems
The book compiles the research works related to smart solutions concept in context to smart energy systems, maintaining electrical grid discipline and resiliency, computational collective intelligenc …
Anshuman Tripathi & Amit Soni: Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems
This book compiles the best selected research papers presented during the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2021), held at Manipal Univ …
Jagrati Sahariya & Kamal Nayan Sharma: Energy Conversion and Green Energy Storage
Energy Conversion and Green Energy Storage presents recent developments in renewable energy conversion and green energy storage. Covering technical expansions in renewable energy and applications, en …
Jagrati Sahariya & Kamal Nayan Sharma: Energy Conversion and Green Energy Storage
Energy Conversion and Green Energy Storage presents recent developments in renewable energy conversion and green energy storage. Covering technical expansions in renewable energy and applications, en …
Jagrati Sahariya & Kamal Nayan Sharma: Eco-Materials and Green Energy for a Sustainable Future
Eco-Materials and Green Energy for a Sustainable Future emphasizes the synergy between eco-materials and green energy solutions, highlighting their combined power to reduce carbon emissions, conserve …
Jagrati Sahariya & Kamal Nayan Sharma: Eco-Materials and Green Energy for a Sustainable Future
Eco-Materials and Green Energy for a Sustainable Future emphasizes the synergy between eco-materials and green energy solutions, highlighting their combined power to reduce carbon emissions, conserve …
Anshuman Tripathi & Amit Soni: Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems
This book compiles the best selected research papers presented during the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2023), held at Manipal Univ …
Anshuman Tripathi & Amit Soni: Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems
This book compiles the best selected research papers presented during the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2023), held at Manipal Univ …