New breakthrough thinking in organizational learning,
leadership, and change
Continuous improvement, understanding complex systems, and
promoting innovation are all part of the landscape of learning
challenges today’s companies face. Amy Edmondson shows that
organizations thrive, or fail to thrive, based on how well the
small groups within those organizations work. In most
organizations, the work that produces value for customers is
carried out by teams, and increasingly, by flexible team-like
entities. The pace of change and the fluidity of most work
structures means that it’s not really about creating effective
teams anymore, but instead about leading effective teaming.
Teaming shows that organizations learn when the flexible,
fluid collaborations they encompass are able to learn. The problem
is teams, and other dynamic groups, don’t learn naturally.
Edmondson outlines the factors that prevent them from doing so,
such as interpersonal fear, irrational beliefs about failure,
groupthink, problematic power dynamics, and information hoarding.
With Teaming, leaders can shape these factors by encouraging
reflection, creating psychological safety, and overcoming defensive
interpersonal dynamics that inhibit the sharing of ideas. Further,
they can use practical management strategies to help organizations
realize the benefits inherent in both success and failure.
* Presents a clear explanation of practical management concepts
for increasing learning capability for business results
* Introduces a framework that clarifies how learning processes
must be altered for different kinds of work
* Explains how Collaborative Learning works, and gives tips for
how to do it well
* Includes case-study research on Intermountain healthcare,
Prudential, GM, Toyota, IDEO, the IRS, and both Cincinnati and
Minneapolis Children’s Hospitals, among others
Based on years of research, this book shows how leaders can make
organizational learning happen by building teams that learn.
Table of Content
Foreword by Edgar H. Schein xi
Introduction 1
part one teaming
1 A New Way of Working 11
Teaming Is a Verb 12
Organizing to Execute 15
The Learning Imperative 19
Learning to Team, Teaming to Learn 24
Organizing to Learn 26
Execution-as-Learning 30
The Process Knowledge Spectrum 32
A New Way of Leading 38
Leadership Summary 42
Lessons and Actions 42
2 Teaming to Learn, Innovate, and Compete 45
The Teaming Process 50
Four Pillars of Effective Teaming 51
The Benefits of Teaming 56
Social and Cognitive Barriers to Teaming 60
When Conflict Heats Up 67
Leadership Actions That Promote Teaming 75
Leadership Summary 78
Lessons and Actions 79
part two organizing to learn
3 The Power of Framing 83
Cognitive Frames 84
Framing a Change Project 89
The Leader’s Role 93
Team Members’ Roles 96
The Project Purpose 99
A Learning Frame Versus an Execution Frame 102
Changing Frames 104
Leadership Summary 111
Lessons and Actions 112
4 Making It Safe to Team 115
Trust and Respect 118
Psychological Safety for Teaming and Learning 125
The Effect of Hierarchy on Psychological Safety 131
Cultivating Psychological Safety 135
Leadership Summary 145
Lessons and Actions 146
5 Failing Better to Succeed Faster 149
The Inevitability of Failure 150
The Importance of Small Failures 151
Why It’s Difficult to Learn from Failure 154
Failure across the Process Knowledge Spectrum 160
Matching Failure Cause and Context 164
Developing a Learning Approach to Failure 168
Strategies for Learning from Failures 170
Leadership Summary 182
Lessons and Actions 183
6 Teaming Across Boundaries 185
Teaming Despite Boundaries 191
Visible and Invisible Boundaries 193
Three Types of Boundaries 197
Teaming Across Common Boundaries 201
Leading Communication across Boundaries 212
Leadership Summary 215
Lessons and Actions 216
part three execution-as-learning
7 Putting Teaming and Learning to Work 221
Execution-as-Learning 222
Using the Process Knowledge Spectrum 229
Facing a Shifting Context at Telco 234
Learning That Never Ends 240
Keeping Learning Alive 252
Leadership Summary 254
Lessons and Actions 256
8 Leadership Makes It Happen 257
Leading Teaming in Routine Production at Simmons 258
Leading Teaming in Complex Operations at Children’s Hospital 265
Leading Teaming for Innovation at IDEO 276
Leadership Summary 283
Moving Forward 285
Notes 289
Acknowledgments 309
About the Author 313
Index 315
About the author
Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, where she teaches courses in leadership, organizational learning, and operations management in the MBA and Executive Education programs.