ANDERS ERICSSON, Ph.D., is a Conradi Eminent Scholar and professor of psychology at Florida State University. His work has been cited in bestsellers from Moonwalking with Einstein to Outliers to How Children Succeed. ROBERT POOL has worked at Science and Nature, and has been published in Discover and Technology Review, among others. His books include Eve”s Rib: Searching for the Biological Roots of Sex Differences and Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology. They live in Florida.
3 Ebooks by Anders Ericsson
Anders Ericsson & Anders Ericsson: Csúcsteljesítmény
Vajon a velünk született adottságaink döntik el, miben lehetünk tehetségesek? Valóban 10 ezer órát kell gyakorolnunk ahhoz, hogy szakértővé váljunk valamiben? Hogyan segíthetjük hozzá a gyerekeinket, …
Anders Ericsson & Robert Pool: Peak
‘;This book is a breakthrough, a lyrical, powerful, science-based narrative that actually shows us how to get better (much better) at the things we care about.’Seth Godin, author of Linchpin’;Anyone …
Anders Ericsson & Robert Pool: Peak
‘Anyone who wants to get better at anything should read Peak.’ Fortune Do you want to stand out at work, improve your athletic or musical performance, or help your child achieve academic goals? Ander …