Anders Fjeld is doctor in political philosophy and researcher and lecturer at Kulturakademiet in Paris. He is the author of Jacques Rancière. Pratiquer l”égalité (Michalon éditions, 2018) and, with Matthieu de Nanteuil, Le monde selon Adam Smith. Essai sur l”imaginaire en économie (PUF, 2022), and has edited several anthologies, among them Jacques Rancière (with Étienne Tassin, Katz Editores, 2017) and Movimientos sociales y subjetivaciones políticas (with Étienne Tassin and Laura Quintana, Ediciones Uniandes, 2016). He is an editor of contemporary philosophy at the Norwegian publishing house H//O//F, and has translated several books from French, such as Françoise Vergès, Avkoloniseringsfeminisme (2022), Vinciane Despret, Tenke som en rotte (2022) and Ludivine Bantigny, Revolusjon (forthcoming, 2024).
Matthieu de Nanteuil is professor in sociology at UCLouvain, and currently Dean of the Louvain School of Management. He has published a variety of works. Among others: Justice in the Workplace. Overcoming Ethical Dilemmas (Edward Elgard Publishing, 2001); Le monde selon Adam Smith. Essai sur l”imaginaire en économie (PUF, 2022) with Anders Fjeld; Introduction à la sociologie économique. Analyse critique des organisations et des marchés (De Boeck, 2022), with Thierry Amougou; Face à la violence. Tome 1 : Représentations (Le Bord de L’eau, 2023). He has also designed a method based on deliberative workshops in organizational settings, allowing participants to overcome value conflicts and ethical dilemmas in the workplace, by relying on collective intelligence practices – entitled Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Organizations (EDICO).
3 Ebooks by Anders Fjeld
Laura Quintana & Anders Fjeld: Movimientos sociales y subjetivaciones políticas
Movimientos sociales y subjetivaciones políticas es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación en común, fruto de los intercambios realizados en el marco de un proyecto ECOS-NORD/COLCIENCIAS entre l …
Anders Fjeld & Carlos Manrique: Intervenciones filosóficas en medio del conflicto
ACTUALMENTE, CUANDO ESCRIBIMOS esta introducción, las delegaciones del Gobierno colombiano y las FARC-EP acaban de llegar a un acuerdo final sobre la totalidad de los puntos de la Agenda de los diálo …
Matthieu de Nanteuil & Anders Fjeld: Marx and Europe
This book provides a unique scientific contribution to the debate on Marx’s legacy in proposing to critically articulate two “lines of discussion” which are most often kept apart. On the one hand, it …