This book is the result of two historic events that took place in Quito, Ecuador during
October 2016. The first was the Gospel and the Future of Cities Summit at which a
contingent of Kingdom focused urban leaders gathered to explore what the gospel has to
say to the development of cities globally. The participants then formed a delegation to the
United Nation’s Habitat III conference, joining with 45, 000 city leaders, academics, NGOs
and others from all over the world.
Urban Shalom and the Cities We Need picks up the themes discussed at the summit and
reflects on their connection to the New Urban Agenda which was ratified at Habitat III and
sets the tone for the development of cities globally. In these pages, you will hear from
practitioners, leaders and academics as they lead you in reflection on some of the major
issues facing all urban environments. From years of experience the authors offer very
practical tools on discipleship, urban planning, land use, community development and
responding to the poor. It is our hope that their reflections and tools will enable you and your
networks to engage in crucial conversations with others about the physical and social
development of your neighborhoods, communities and cities. And that together we can all
work on the creation of great spaces and places that reflect God’s desire for us all to
experience shalom.
Table of Content
Theology and Thinking About the City
Creating Shalom in the City: A Roadmap for Human Flourishing – Andre Van Eymeren
Urban Shalom & Conversions to Discipleship – Ash Barker
Urban Disparity: A Prophetic Response – Evelyn Miranda-Feliciano
The New Urban Village & Its Challenge to the Church – Michael A. Mata
Shaping the World’s Neighborhoods for Shalom – Chris Miller
Applying Shalom
Transforming the Lives of Urban Children & Youth Through Asset Building – Bryan Mc Cabe
Urban Shalom: Seeing People & Community with New Eyes – Mary Nelson
A Biblical Theology of Land & Ownership – Viv Griggs
The Gospel & the Future of Cities: A Call to Action – Chris Elisara (ed.)