Meta chronicles the journey of Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee in their uncommon exchange turned friendship. Why is there something rather than nothing? Does God exist? What of goodness, free will, and consciousness – what is the ultimate nature of reality and how does that extend into the public square? In this treatise, two young corporate professionals aim to change the way the discussion is being had from the vantage points of Christianity and atheism. Is theism or atheism more compelling? If theism, why Christianity? Did Jesus even exist? After theism/atheism, then what? What is the good life? Is morality objective? What does abortion, education, and healthcare look like in the just city? Embarking on a quest for truth on the big questions, their worldviews clash in a philosophical tour de force. In their discord, a blossoming friendship; in their agreement, vows to change the world…
About the author
Andrew Murtagh and Adam Lee are both engineers, authors, and activists. Andrew's background is in biomedical engineering and he works in the med tech industry; Adam a software engineer working in that sector. In their free time, both blog at Patheos on the big questions; Andrew at Soapbox Redemption, Adam at Daylight Atheism. Andrew is the author of Proof of Divine (2013), Adam the author of Daylight Atheism (2012). In their theological discord, they became friends, and have teamed up to end human trafficking.