Andy Pithouse and Alyson Rees use original research to identify key ingredients needed to help create successful foster placements and help prevent placement breakdown.
In this study the lives and activities of 10 foster families who provide lasting and effective care are examined. The families’ everyday world of meanings, negotiations, activities, settings, rituals and relationships that help to create these successful placements, are explored. The authors identify the main components that, according to the carers and the children, contribute to acceptance, belonging and stability in the family. The book examines the emotional and practical work involved in caring, and explores how it is received and reciprocated by fostered young people.
With important insights into child and carer perspectives on fostering, What Works in Foster Care is a source of invaluable information for foster carers, children’s service professionals, and trainees and care staff more generally who may be engaged with children who are looked after.
Table of Content
Introduction, Chapter One: Fostering in the UK, key characteristics and challenges, Chapter Two: Ways of thinking about children and families in foster care, Chapter Three: Meet the Families, Chapter Four : Tough job fostering : why do it? Chapter Five : Food, Fostering and Family Life, Chapter Six: Foster care and the ‘body’, Chapter Seven: Space and Place in the foster home – views from the young people
About the author
Alyson Rees (Ph D) is a senior lecturer at Cardiff School of Social Sciences and has been a social work practitioner for 16 years. She has been involved in a range of child and family research projects and publications in foster care and family support.