February 15, 2016, was the beginning of a debate on man-made climate change between two well-known experts in the field, Princeton Professor of Physics Dr. William Happer and University of Melbourne Atmospheric Sciences Professor Dr. David Karoly, hosted by James Barham and his team at The Best Schools.org. Both have been heavily involved in atmospheric research since the 1980s. Happer believes that burning fossil fuels will have a minimal effect on climate but a large...
Table of Content
Chapter 1: The Great Debate
Chapter 2: Is Recent Warming Unusual?
Chapter 3: What does the Geologic Past tell us?
Chapter 4: The Sun
Chapter 5: How Accura...
About the author
Andy May is a writer, blogger, and author. He enjoys golf and traveling in his spare time. He retired from a 42-year career in petrophysics in 2016. He is also an e...