Shattered Dreams is a fictional novel, written in a third person narration. The plot is suspense, adding adventure and drama. There are some terrifying moments for the main character, Crystal Johnston. Crystal illustrates that one can push forward in life with perseverance and determination.
The setting is in Cairo, Egypt, where an American student is on an expedition during the summer. Crystal is unprepared for events that happen and doesnt know how to cope at first due to inexperience. She learns how to empower herself as she encounters life-changing situations.
Shattered Dreams is a brilliant portrayal of characters. The protagonist runs into physical circumstances that turn her life around. The book captures the essence of time, giving historical information of ancient times.
About the author
Anne R. Murray is a native Georgian. Her roots are from the Southeastern region of the United States. She is the sixth generation born here from the old country. Anne was raised on Christian beliefs and traditions. She has three sisters and her parents are still living.
Dr. Murray is a retired schoolteacher, earning a doctorate in education while teaching. She spends her time writing, researching and motivating others. She enjoys inspiring others to write as well as to read. Her brilliance to detail shows in her literary works. She uses the element of time to capture the essence of her writing.
Anne delivers her heart and soul every time. Her strengths are her emotional portrayal of the characters in the story. The narration is delivered by presenting the main character in third person (she or her), as she expresses her thoughts. Shattered Dreams is a story of suspense, drama and adventure at the same time. There are some terrifying moments in the book.
Other literary works include As The Scarlet Tanager Sings, As The Sweet Honey Runs, The Jagged Edge, Wounded Heart in Flight and Gentle Rain of Thoughts.