This 25th anniversary edition of the Annual Review of Nursing Research is focused on nursing science in vulnerable populations. Identified as a priority in the nursing discipline, vulnerable populations are discussed in terms of the development of nursing science, diverse approaches in building the state of the science research, integrating biologic methods in the research, and research in reducing health disparities.
Topics include:
- Measurement issues
- Prevention of infectious diseases among vulnerable populations
- Genomics and proteomics methodologies for research
- Promoting culturally appropriate interventions
- Community-academic research partnerships with vulnerable populations
- Vulnerable populations in Thailand: women living with HIV/AIDS
As in all volumes of the Annual Reviews, leading nurse researchers provide students, other researchers, and clinicians with the foundations for evidence-based practice and further research.
Table of Content
Joyce J. Fitzpatrick
PART I: Development of Nursing Science in Vulnerable Populations
Development of Nursing Theory and Science in Vulnerable Populations Research, Adeline Nyamathi, Deborah Koniak-Griffin, & Barbara Ann Greengold Advancing Nursing Science in Vulnerable Populations: Measurement Issues, Ora Lea Strickland, Colleen Di Iirio, Dorothy Coverson, & Michelle Nelson PART II: Diverse Approaches in Building the State of the Science in Vulnerable Populations Research
Lifestyle Behavior Interventions with Hispanic Children and Adults, Antonia M. Villaruel & Deborah Koniak-Griffin Nursing Research and the Prevention of Infectious Diseases among Vulnerable Populations, Nilda Peragallo & Rosa M. Gonzalez Promoting Research Partnerships to Reduce Health Disparities Among Vulnerable Populations: Sharing Expertise Between Majority Institutions and Historically Black Universities, M. Katherine Hutchinson, Bertha David, Loretta Sweet Jemmott, Susan Gennaro, Lorraine Tulman, Esther Condon, Arlene J. Montgomery, E. Jane Servonsky Generating Science by Training Future Scholars in Nursing Research Addressing the Needs of Vulnerable Populations, Elizabeth L. Dixon, Aaron J. Strehlow, Claudia M. Davis, Darcy Copeland, Tonia Jones, Linda A. Robinson, Jan Shoultz, Jacquelyn H. Flaskerud PART III: Integrating Biologic Methods in Vulnerable Populations Research
Genomics and Proteomics Methodologies for Vulnerable Populations Research, Christine E. Kasper Psychoneuroimmunology and Related Mechanisms in Understanding Health Disparities in Vulnerable Populations, Teresita L. Briones PART IV: Research in Reducing Health Disparities Among Vulnerable Populations
HIV Symptoms, Carmen J. Portilla, William L. Holzemer, Fang-Yu Chou Promoting Culturally-Appropriate Interventions among Vulnerable Populations, Joyce Newman Giger & Ruth David Hizar Community-Academic Research Partnerships with Vulnerable Populations, Janna Lesser & Manuel Angel Oscos-Sanchez Vulnerable Populations in Thailand: Giving Voice to Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Adeline Nyamathi, Chandice Covington & Malaika Mutere Index
Contents of Previous 10 Volumes
About the author
Deborah Koniak-Griffin, RN, Ed D, FAAN, is Audrienne H. Moseley Professor of Women’s Health Research with the UCLA School of Nursing.