An Old Man’s Love, Trollope’s brief, final novel, was published posthumously in 1884. It concerns an admirable, middle-aged man, Mr. Whittlestaff, who loves a woman half his age and loses her to a less admirable, younger man. The novel is populated with Trollope’s humorous minor characters: Mr. Whittlestaff’s outspoken yet loyal housekeeper, Mrs Baggett, her drunken husband, and the Hall household, full of mirth and youth.
About the author
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was a quintessential Victorian novelist best known for his series of novels, the Chronicles of Barsetshire, set in the imaginary county of Barsetshire. Tirelessly prolific, he tackled a rich assortment of the political, social, and gender issues of the day. As career employee of the British Postal System, he is credited with introducing the “pillar-box” mailboxes on street corners.