Ciro Ciliberto is Professor in Geometria Superiore at the University of Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Italy.
Antony V. Geramita is Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, and Professore Ordinario at the Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Genova, Italy.
Brian Harbourne is Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA.
Rosa Maria Miró-Roig is Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Kristian Ranestad is Professor at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oslo, Norway.
3 Ebooks by Anthony V. Geramita
Ciro Ciliberto & Anthony V. Geramita: Projective Varieties with Unexpected Properties
This volume contains refereed papers related to the lectures and talks given at a conference held in Siena (Italy) in June 2004. Also included are research papers that grew out of discussions among t …
Christopher Francisco & Lee C. Klingler: Progress in Commutative Algebra 1
This is the first of two volumes of a state-of-the-art survey article collection which originates from three commutative algebra sessions at the 2009 Fall Southeastern American Mathematical Society M …
Anthony V Geramita: Hilbert Function of a Level Algebra
Let $R$ be a polynomial ring over an algebraically closed field and let $A$ be a standard graded Cohen-Macaulay quotient of $R$. The authors state that $A$ is a level algebra if the last module in th …