Author: Apichana Kovindha

Jean Jacques Wyndaele worked as Full time Ordinary Professor and Chairman of Urology at University Antwerp (UA) and Antwerp University Hospital (UZA). He was the chair of the Animal and Clinical Research Lab of the Urological Department UA and UZA. He promoted 14 Ph D Thesis’s and these doctors are working in different continents around the world. He retired from education and clinical practice in 2014.He remains Editor in Chief of the journal Spinal Cord since 2011 and ISCOS president since one year. Member of several editorial boards. He is Fellow of the International Spinal Cord Society and  of the European Board of Urology. He is European School of Urology Faculty member and is member of  many major international scientific groups. He was founder and co founder of UControl, Piekernietje, Pelvired in his home country who deal with different parts of health care. He is the actual chair of ESSIC the world organisation for study of chronic pelvic pain. He isalso author of 403 publications in peer reviewed international and national journals, 83 editorials  and  30 chapters in books.

1 Ebooks by Apichana Kovindha

Jean Jacques Wyndaele & Apichana Kovindha: Urodynamic Testing After Spinal Cord Injury
This book aims to provide a guide for urodynamic investigation in individuals who have suffered spinal cord injuries. It is universally acknowledged that this type of investigation is valuable and mo …