The contributors to this collection address issues of definition and theory of linguistic areas, analyze the process of convergence, and introduce methods to assess the impact of language contact across geographical zones. New case studies are accompanied by discussions that revisit some of the more well-established linguistic areas.
Table of Content
List of Figures and Maps List of Tables List of Abbreviations Notes on the Contributors Introduction; A.Mc Mahon, Y.Matras & N.Vincent Areal Linguistics: A Closer Scrutiny; L.Campbell All or Nothing; T.Stolz Keeping Contact in the Family: Approaches to Language Classification and Contact-induced Change; A.Mc Mahon & R.Mc Mahon Linguistic Areas, Language Contact and Typology: Some Implications from the Case of Ethiopia as a Linguistic Area; W.Bisang Structural Isoglosses between Khoekhoe and Tuu: The Cape as a Linguistic Area; T.Güldemann The Sri Lanka Sprachbund : The Newcomers Portuguese and Malay; P.Bakker On the Roles of Turkic in the Caucasus Area; L.Johanson The Circle That Won’t Come Full: Two Potential Isoglosses in the Circum-Baltic Area; M.Koptjevskaja-Tamm Complex Emotion Predicates in Eastern Indonesia: Evidence for Language Contact?; S.Musgrave Another Look at Australia as a Linguistic Area; C.Bowern Towards a Typology of the Siberian Linguistic Area; G.D.S.Anderson Index
About the author
GREGORY D.S. ANDERSON Research Associate, MPI-EVA/Leipzig, Germany and University of Oregon Department of Linguistics, USA PETER BAKKER Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, Arrhus University, Denmark WALTER BISANG Professor of General and Comparative Linguistics, University of Mainz, Germany CLAIRE BOWERN Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Rice University, USA LYLE CAMPBELL Professor of Linguistics and Director of the Centre for American Indian Languages, University of Utah, USA TOM GÜLDEMANN Research Associate, Linguistics Section, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig and teaches at the Department of African Studies of the University of Leipzig, Germany LARS JOHANSON Professor of Turcology in the Seminar für Orientkunde, Johannes Gutenberg-Universisät, Mainz, Germany MARIA KOPTJEVSKAJA-TAMM Professor, Department of General Linguistics, Stockholm University, Sweden ROBERT MCMAHON Clinical Molecular Geneticist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UKSIMON MUSGRAVE Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University, Australia THOMAS STOLZ Professor of Linguistics, University of Bremen, Germany.