Yoshinori Asakawa
Yoshinori Asakawa obtained his first degree in biology at Tokushima University, and then went to graduate school at Hiroshima University in 1964 to study organic chemistry. He has been actively involved in bryophyte research since the early 1970s, from the time when he was a postdoctoral with Professor Guy Ourisson at the Institut de Chimie, Université Louis-Pasteur, Strasbourg, France. He has studied not only bryophyte constituents and their biosynthesis but also bioactive secondary metabolites of pteridophytes, inedible mushrooms, and aromatic and medicinal plants, as well as the biotransformation of secondary metabolites by fungi and mammals, and oxidation reactions of organic peracids. He has authored and co-authored more than 550 original papers, 24 reviews, and 27 books and monographs. For his outstanding research, Prof. Asakawa was awarded the first Hedwig Medal from the International Association of Bryologists, the Phytochemistry Prize and Certification from Elsevier, the International Symposium on Essential Oils Award, the Jack Cannon International Gold Medal, the Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy Award, and the Tokushima Newspaper Award. He has been Editor of Phytomedicine and Spectroscopy, and a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of numerous scientific journals, including Phytochemistry, Phytochemistry Letters, Planta Medica, Flavor and Fragrance Journal, Fitoterapia, Natural Product Communications, Natural Product Research, Malaysian Journal of Sciences, Current Chemical Biology, Scientia Pharmaceutica, and Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, among others. He has served twice as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tokushima Bunri University, and is currently Director of the Institute of Pharmacognosy (1986–present). Prof. Asakawa has been President of the Phytochemical Society of Asia since 2007.
Agnieszka Ludwiczuk
Agnieszka Ludwiczuk studied chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, and received her Master’s degree in 1998. In this same year she started to work at the Department of Pharmacognosy with the Medicinal Plants Unit, Medical University of Lublin, initially as a Scientific and Technical Worker, then as a Research Assistant, and since 2007 as Assistant Professor. In 2005, she obtained her Ph.D. degree in pharmaceutical sciences. From April 2007 until March 2010 she worked as a postdoctoral at Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima, Japan, under the direction of Prof. Yoshinori Asakawa. Her scientific output to date comprises some 50 scientific papers published in international and domestic journals concerning natural products chemistry, separation methods, extraction techniques, and biological activity. She is currently working on bioactivity-guided isolation and the structural characterization of compounds from medicinal, aromatic, and spore-forming plants. She is also focused on the chemical relationships of algae, bryophytes, and ferns. Her scientific interests cover in addition the chemosystematics of non-vascular plants from the division Marchantiophyta, and selected vascular plants from the families Apiaceae and Lamiaceae, based on their terpenoid, aromatic and phenolic constituents, and the biotransformation of pure secondary metabolites from plant materials for the production of useful substances.
Fumihoro Nagashima
Fumihiro Nagashima studies natural product chemistry at the graduate school of Tokushima Bunri University (TBU), Tokushima, Japan. He was appointed as a Research Assistant in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at TBU in 1990, and obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1991 under the direction of Prof. Yoshinori Asakawa. He was promoted to Associate Professor at TBU in 2007. He is currently studyingbioactive constituents of southern hemisphere liverworts and Madagascan medicinal plants and has published 80 original papers and four reviews. Recently, he has isolated many new sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, bibenzyls, and bis-bibenzyls having new skeletons from the Jungermanniales and Marchantiales. Some of these compounds have exhibited potent cytotoxicity against several cancer cell lines and antimicrobial activity.
31 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة A. Douglas Kinghorn
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 108
The first contribution summarizes current trends in research on medicinal plants in Mexico with emphasis on work carried out at the authors’ laboratories. The most relevant phytochemical and pharmaco …
Bernhard Kräutler & N. P. Sahu: Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products
The volumes of this classic series, now referred to simply as ‘Zechmeister’ after its founder, L. Zechmeister, have appeared under the Springer Imprint ever since the series’ inauguration in 1938. Th …
Johann H. Mulzer: The Epothilones: An Outstanding Family of Anti-Tumor Agents
Epothilones have received unusual attention over the past ten years. They are novel antitumor drugs which very much like their predecessor paclitaxel (Taxol) act via microtubule stabilization. In com …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol. 92
Resin glycosides are part of a very extensive family of secondary metabolites known as glycolipids or lipo-oligosaccharides and are constituents of complex resins (glycoresins) (1) unique to the morn …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 102
The first contribution reviews the phytochemical, chemical, and biological literature on members of the ingenane class of diterpenoids from their first isolation in 1968 through 2015, highlighting un …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Phytocannabinoids
The book presents the current state of the art on phytocannnabinoid chemistry and pharmacology and will be of much use to those wishing to understand the current landscape of the exciting and intrigu …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 104
The first contribution describes apolar and polar molecular fossils and, in particular biomarkers, along the lines usually followed in organic chemistry textbooks, and points to their bioprecursors w …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 105
The first contribution reviews the occurrence of xanthine alkaloids in the plant kingdom and the elucidation of the caffeine biosynthesis pathway, providing details of the N-methyltransferases, belon …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 106
The first contribution presents coumarins, the largest group of 1-benzopyran derivatives found in plants. Coumarin chemistry remains one of the major interest areas of phytochemists, especially becau …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 107
The first review describes examples of very promising compounds discovered from plants acquired from Africa, Southeast Asia, the Americas, and the Caribbean region with potential anticancer activity. …
Mahendra Sahai & Edda Gössinger: Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol. 93
Lignans, by convention, are a group of natural products that are formed by linking two phenylpropanoid units (C C units) by oxidative coupling. Most importantly, in 6 3 a lignan, two (C C units) are …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products Vol. 94
The three reviews cover the advances in the chemistry and biology of withanolides over the last 16 years, review the chemistry and biology of the rocaglamide-type derivatives and related compounds, w …
Yoshinori Asakawa & Agnieszka Ludwiczuk: Chemical Constituents of Bryophytes
For some 50 years, Professor Asakawa and his group have focused their research on the chemical constituents of bryophytes and have found that these plants contain large numbers of secondary met …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 110
The book summarizes important aspects of cheminformatics that are relevant for natural product research. It highlights cheminformatics tools that help to match natural products with their respective …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 109
This volume comprises three reviews. The first describes isolation, structure determination, syntheses, and biochemistry of the low molecular weight compounds of the secretion of exocrine glands of t …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 111
The first chapter in volume 111 summarizes research on the sesterterpenoids, which are known as a relatively small group of natural products. However, they express a variety of simple to complicated …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 112
The first chapter describes the oldest method of communication between living systems in Nature, the chemical language. Plants, due to their lack of mobility, have developed the most sophisticated wa …
A Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 113
In this book, chemical studies are described mainly from literature reports appearing since 2000, inclusive of investigations performed by the present authors, on the diversity in secondary metabolit …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 115
This book describes current understandings and recent progress into a varied group of natural products. In the first chapter the role that total synthesis may play in revising the structures proposed …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 114
This book describes current understandings and recent progress in four areas: in the first one, the cytochalasans, a group of fungal derived natural products characterized by a perhydro-isoindo …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 116
This volume describes several highly diverse subjects: Chapter 1 explores marine biodiscovery of the North-eastern Atlantic off the coast of Ireland as a model for best practice in research. The seco …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Antimalarial Natural Products
This volume begins with a short history of malaria and follows with a summary of its biology. It then traces the fascinating history of the discovery of quinine for malaria treatment, and then descri …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 118
This volume consists of four chapters that cover a structurally diverse range of naturally occurring compounds. Chapter 1 delves into the chemistry of pyrogallols and their oxidized products, the hyd …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Ancistrocladus Naphthylisoquinoline Alkaloids
This book describes a unique class of secondary metabolites, the mono- and dimeric-naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids. They exclusively occur in lianas of the palaeotropical Ancistrocladaceae and Dioncop …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Modern Photocatalytic Strategies in Natural Product Synthesis
This book presents recent reports of total syntheses involving a photocatalytic reaction as a key step in the methodology. Modern photocatalysis has proven its generality for the developme …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 122
This volume highlights some recent developments on plants used widely as botanical dietary supplements and herbal medicines, especially in terms of knowledge of the chemical types and diverse biologi …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds
The present volume is the third in a trilogy that documents naturally occurring organohalogen compounds, bringing the total number — from fewer than 25 in 1968 — to approximately 8, 000 compounds to …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Neurotrophic Natural Products
This book deals with neurotrophins (NGF, BDNF, NT3, NT4), which can decrease cell death, induce differentiation, as well as sustain the structure and function of neurons. This makes neurotrophins pot …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 124
This volume presents three chapters discussing a range of topics. Chapter 1 deals with the development of efficient methods for compound dereplication that have been critical in the re-emergence of r …
A. Douglas Kinghorn & Heinz Falk: Tigliane Diterpenoids
This book reviews the distribution, chemistry, and molecular bioactivity of tiglianes from the very beginning of the studies on these diterpenoids. It provides a summary of their clinical and toxicol …
A. Douglas Kinghorn: Stevia
Stevia rebaudiana is a remarkable South American plant that has become widely used in certain parts of the world as a natural sweetening agent and dietary supplement. Purified extracts of S. rebaudia …