Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim
is a senior lecturer at Fundamental and Applied Sciences Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. He has been at the department for more than twelve years. He obtained his B.App.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph D in Computational Mathematics & Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He is a Professional Technologists registered with Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT). He had 20 years of experience using Mathematica and MATLAB software for teaching and research activities. His research interests include curves and surfaces designing, geometric modeling and wavelets applications in image compression and statistics. He has published more than 140 papers in Journal and Conferences as well as eight books including two research monographs and three Edited Conferences Volume and 40 book chapters. He was the recipient of Effective Education Delivery Award and Publication Award (Journal & Conference Paper), UTPQuality Day 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively. He was Certified WOLFRAM Technology Associate, Mathematica Student Level. He has published six books with Springer.
Dr Afza Shafie is currently a Senior Lecturer with the Fundamental and Applied Science Department (FASD) at Univerisiti Teknologi PETRONAS. She holds a Bachelor and a Master degree in mathematics and statistics respectively. In addition she has a Ph D in Systems Technology. Her interest is in mathematical and statistical modeling. Her research includes the application of these knowledge in the field of electromagmetics for hydrocarbon detection in Malaysian waters, application of electromagnetic and nanofluids in enhanced oil recovery. Some of her research has been funded by Petroleum Research Fund (PRF), Yayasan – UTP grant, the Prototype Research Grant (PRGS) and the Fundamental Research Grant (FRGS) from the Ministry of Education Malaysia. In addition, she is actively involved withthe University initiatives to promote STEM to the schools in Malaysia. Her work has been presented in international conferences and published in ISI and high impact journals. Her current area of interest is the application of artificial intelligence for electromagnetic and nanofluids enhanced oil recovery.
1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Afza Shafie
Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim & Afza Shafie: Towards Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation
This book creates the emergence of disruptive technologies that have led to a significant change in the role of mathematics and statistics for problem solving, with the use of sophisticated software …