مؤلف: Ahmet Mithat Efendi

Ahmet Midhat Efendi (1844–1912) was a journalist, novelist, playwright, translator, and social critic who authored more than two hundred original works. He wrote for and edited the Tercümani Hakikat, the most influential and longest-running Ottoman newspaper.Melih Levi received his BA from Amherst College, where he studied English literature.Monica M. Ringer is professor of Middle Eastern history at Amherst College. She is the author of Pious Citizens: Reforming Zoroastrianism in India and Iran.

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Ahmet Mithat Efendi

Ahmet Mithat Efendi: Felâtun Bey and Râkim Efendi
Ahmet Midhat Efendi’s famous 1875 novel Felâtun Bey and Râkim Efendi takes place in late nineteenth-century Istanbul and follows the lives of two young men who come from radically different backgroun …
Ahmet Mithat Efendi: Felatun Bey ile Rakım Efendi
Alaturka/alafranga ikilemi, Türkiye’de tartışıldığı kelimeler değişse de canlılığını kaybetmemiş bir mesele. Hâlâ sürüyor ve kendini hayatın tüm alanlarında hissettiriyor. Yazar, ilk roman denemeleri …
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