This book sets out a vision ofpervasive IT through intelligent spaces and describes some ofthe progress that has been made towards its realisation. The context for intelligent spaces (or i Spaces) is the world where information and communication technology (l CT) disappears as it becomes embedded into physical objects and the spaces in which we live and work. The ultimate vision is that this embedded technology provides us with intelligent and contextually relevant support, augmenting our lives and our experience of the physical world in a benign and non intrusive manner. The enormous advances in hardware, system design, and software that are being achieved enable. this vision. In particular, the performance advances and cost reductions in hardware components – processors, memory, storage, and communications – are making it possible to embed intelligence and communications ability into lower cost objects. The Internet is a living experiment in building complex, distributed systems on aglobal scale. In software, there have been solid advances in creating systems that can deal with complexities on the scale required to interact with human activity, in limited domains at least. The ultimate vision is challenging, and there are many obstacles to its realisation.
قائمة المحتويات
Intelligent Spaces — The Vision, the Opportunities, and the Barriers.- The Socio-Economic Impact of Pervasive Computing — Intelligent Spaces and the Organisation of Business.- No Pervasive Computing Without Intelligent Systems.- The Supply Chain.- Care in the Community.- Pervasive Home Environments.- Traffimatics — Intelligent Co-operative Vehicle Highway Systems.- Mixed-Reality Applications in Urban Environments.- A Sensor Network for Glaciers.- Co-operation in the Digital Age — Engendering Trust in Electronic Environments.- Maintaining Privacy in Pervasive Computing — Enabling Acceptance of Sensor-based Services.- RFID Security and Privacy — Issues, Standards, and Solutions.- Ambient Technology — Now You See It, Now You Don’t.- Integrated Sensor Networks for Monitoring the Health and Well-Being of Vulnerable Individuals.- Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects for Intelligent Video Analysis.- An Attention-based Approach to Content-based Image Retrieval.- Eye Tracking asa New Interface for Image Retrieval.- The Implications of Pervasive Computing on Network Design.- Autonomic Computing for Pervasive ICT — A Whole-System Perspective.- Scale-Free Topology for Pervasive Networks.- NEXUS — Resilient Intelligent Middleware.- Intelligent Data Analysis for Detecting Behaviour Patterns in i Spaces.- x Assist — Inferring User Goals from Observed Actions.- Programming i Spaces — A Tale of Two Paradigms.