Justin Hendrickson is a longtime Seattle resident who is currently serving as a Pre K-8th grade public school principal. The zip code where his school is located is described as the city’s most ethnically diverse. Ninety percent are students of color. Sixty-five percent participate in the free or reduced lunch program and 21% are English Language Learners. Eight percent of the students are homeless. Justin brings almost 20 years of experience in urban education as a teacher and instructional coach. As a leader in a community-based school, he is focused on implementing a trauma informed school environment where staff practice culturally responsive pedagogy and use strategies that foster resiliency.
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Amber N. N. Warner
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Victoria E. Romero & Amber N. Warner: Race Resilience
Review, rethink, and redesign racial support systems NOW As schools engage in courageous conversations about how racialization and racial positioning influences thinking, behaviors, and expectations, …
Victoria E. Romero & Ricky Robertson: Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences
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Victoria E. Romero & Ricky Robertson: Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences
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