Ambrose Bruce Chimbganda is a Zimbabwean novelist whose work penetrates, with a chilling crescendo, into the devastating effects of despotism. Having been a teacher, curriculum planner and a university lecturer, he pours out his thoughts like a molten torrent about the suffering of his people.
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Ambrose Bruce Chimbganda
Ambrose Bruce Chimbganda: Sunset in the Morning
Sunset in the Morning is a tragic novel whose simplicity, rare imagery, idiom and accent carries the torch in modern Zimbabwean literature. In the novel Ndoda, a seasoned former guerrilla fighter, is …
Ambrose Bruce Chimbganda: My Pain, Your Pain
My Pain, Your Pain is a scintillating poetry book consisting of fifty-four poems that are written from the bottom of the heart. The poems cover a range of universal themes such as human pain, oppress …
Ambrose Bruce Chimbganda: Sunset in the Morning
Sunset in the Morning is a tragic novel whose simplicity, rare imagery, idiom and accent carries the torch of modern African literature. In the novel Ndoda, a seasoned former liberation struggle figh …
Ambrose Bruce Chimbganda: My Pain, Your Pain
My Pain, Your Pain is a scintillating book consisting of fifty two poems that are written from the bottom of the heart. The poems cover a range of themes such as human pain, oppression, suffering, na …