Amos Morris-Reich is Professor in the Department of Jewish History and Thought and Director of Bucerius Institute for the Research of Contemporary German History and Society at the University of Haifa, Israel. Past publications include
The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science (2008) and
Race and Photography: Racial Photography as Scientific Evidence, 1876-1980 (2016).
Dirk Rupnow is Professor at, and Head of, the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Previous publications include
Judenforschung im Dritten Reich: Wissenschaft zwischen Politik, Propaganda und Ideologie (2011) and
Vernichten und Erinnern:
Spuren nationalsozialistischer Gedächtnispolitik (2005) and co-edited (with I. Roebling-Grau)
‘Holocaust’-Fiktion: Kunst jenseits der Authentizität (2015) and (together with V. Lipphardt, J. Thiel and C. Wessely) Pseudowissenschaft.
Konzeptionen von Nichtwissenschaftlichkeit in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte (2008).
9 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Amos Morris-Reich
Amos Morris-Reich & Dirk Rupnow: Ideas of ‘Race’ in the History of the Humanities
This volume is concerned with the hitherto neglected role of the humanities in the histories of the idea of race. Its aim is to begin to fill in this significant lacuna. If, in the decades following …
Raphael Gross: Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook XV/2016
Das Jahrbuch 2016 des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts widmet sich in zwei Schwerpunkten aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln Stationen jüdischer beziehungsweise israelischer Diplomatiegeschichte. Der erste Schw …
Amos Morris-Reich: Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science
The transformation of the human sciences into the social sciences in the third part of the 19th century was closely related to attempts to develop and implement methods for dealing with social tensio …
Amos (University of Haifa) Morris-Reich: The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science
The transformation of the human sciences into the social sciences in the third part of the 19th century was closely related to attempts to develop and implement methods for dealing with social tensio …
Amos (University of Haifa) Morris-Reich: The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science
The transformation of the human sciences into the social sciences in the third part of the 19th century was closely related to attempts to develop and implement methods for dealing with social tensio …
Amos Morris-Reich & Margaret Olin: Photography and Imagination
As the prototypical exemplar of modern visual technology, photography was once viewed as a way to enable vision to bypass imagination, producing more reliable representations of reality. But as an ac …
Amos Morris-Reich & Margaret Olin: Photography and Imagination
As the prototypical exemplar of modern visual technology, photography was once viewed as a way to enable vision to bypass imagination, producing more reliable representations of reality. But as an ac …
Amos Morris-Reich: Race and Photography
Race and Photography studies the changing function of photography from the 1870s to the 1940s within the field of the "science of race, " what many today consider the paradigm of pseudo-sci …
Amos Morris-Reich: Photography and Jewish History
It is a sign of the accepted evidentiary status of photographs that historians regularly append them to their accounts, Amos Morris-Reich observes. Very often, however, these photographs are treated …