This 292-page book is filled with hundreds of graphics, news headlines, photos, and many memes. The paperback is black-and-white, the ebook is color, and the hardcover is premium color, with printing costs to match – a great gift and keepsake of this amazing time.
The Q-Research boards have been a place where good-hearted people from many countries and all walks of life came together to investigate what has been happening behind-the-scenes of our world, to hone our skills of logic and discernment, to remember how to think for ourselves, and to keep real-life events from being ‘memory holed’ from the public consciousness.
Mostly hidden from the general public on a rare uncensored corner of the web, Anons from the United States and countries around the world have been part of a magical journey of intel and research, gifts and fun, humor and disappointments, exhilaration and anguish, creativity and service, camaraderie, discovery, and more – with humanity shining forth in precious ways.
It’s not surprising that the corrupt conglomerates some call ‘cabals’ have made an absurdly widespread effort to misrepresent a powerful altruistic effort they erroneously call ‘Qanon’ as being something scary and dangerous. Truth is only dangerous to the deceitful, who want to keep more people from discovering real information or gathering in places where rare opportunities for free thought and free speech still exist.
قائمة المحتويات
Chapter 1: Introduction………………………………………………… 1
Concerns about the survival of humanity……………………. 7
There is no Qanon………………………………………………………. 9
A note from the ‘author-anon’…………………………………… 14
Chapter 2: We’re in a spell, can’t you tell?……………………. 16
A brainwashed village………………………………………………… 16
Early examples of mind manipulations…………………………. 17
Why do you think they call it programming?………………… 21
Dumbing down the world……………………………………………. 36
We know better…………………………………………………………. 41
Chapter 3: Some conspiracy theories are true……………….. 46
Origins of the term ‘conspiracy theory’……………………… 46
Why conspiracy theorists are needed…………………………. 47
’False flags’……………………………………………………………… 53
Creating a complacent public…………………………………….. 63
Cancel Culture………………………………………………………….. 65
A few conspiracy theories to try out………………………….. 66
Chapter 4: ‘Enter Q’……………………………………………………… 94
The need for a new paradigm………………………………………. 94
Q’s entrance on 4chan……………………………………………….. 101
The military and the storm………………………………………….. 131
Trump and Q+……………………………………………………………… 142
Proofs build trust………………………………………………………. 165
Chapter 5: The Q-Research boards…………………………………. 172
Welcoming Q-Research visitors…………………………………… 172
The Q-Research experience…………………………………………. 174
The power of memes……………………………………………………. 185
The benefits of anonymity…………………………………………… 189
Q-Research technicals and characters……………………….. 193
GOD WINS…………………………………………………………………… 211
Chapter 6: Watching some current events…………………….. 212
Exploring some more events………………………………………. 231
The Covid-19 ‘plandemic’……………………………………………. 248
Chapter 7. Moving forward with optimism………………………. 263
Keeping hope alive in disappointing times…………………….. 263
Humanity is good, but…………………………………………………… 273