مؤلف: Andreas Seidl

Der Autor ist diplomierter Politologe und Sozialpädagoge. Seine beruflichen Erfahrungen sammelte er in Brüssel bei der Europäischen Union, in Frankfurt an der Wertpapierbörse und in Kindertagesstätten im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Seit 20 Jahren führt er Ideentagebuch und veröffentlicht in diesem Buch all seine bisherigen politischen Lösungsvorschläge in einem Gesamtkonzept. Als leidenschaftlicher Sozialforscher interessieren ihn die Sorgen, Lebensweisen und Zukunftsvorstellungen seiner Mitmenschen. Als überzeugter Demokrat geht er gerne auf Demonstrationen und zu Aktivisten, um dort nach deren Motivation und den Ursachen zu fragen. Als Autor bemüht er sich um zurückhaltende Kritik, konstruktive Lösungsansätze und eine verständliche Sprache.

32 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Andreas Seidl

Andreas Seidl: Ulysses and the Reader – A Fertile Relationship
Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject Didactics – English – Literature, Works, grade: 70 of 80 Points; First Honour, University College Dublin (Department of English), course: James Joyce’s …
Andreas Seidl: Auden’s Memorial for the City
Seminar paper from the year 2001 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies – Literature, grade: 2, 0 (B), University of Regensburg (Faculty for Literature and Cultural Studies), course: …
Andreas Seidl: Machtübergabe – Soziale Marktwirtschaft
Soziale Marktwirtschaft neu gedacht Haben Sie auch manchmal Sorge entlassen zu werden oder, dass ihre Firma pleite geht? Und wünschen auch Sie sich sichere Produkte, die nachhaltig, regional und …
Andreas Seidl: Machtübergabe – Integration
Integration neu gedacht Haben Sie auch manchmal Sorge, dass Sie sich in Ihrer Heimat fremd fühlen und Ihre Mitbürger nicht mehr verstehen? Und wünschen auch Sie sich Zuwanderer, die aus Liebe zu …
Andreas Seidl: Machtübergabe – Innovation
Innovation neu gedacht Haben Sie auch manchmal Sorge, dass wichtige Neuheiten zu spät eingeführt werden? Und wünschen auch Sie sich eine Umsetzung Ihrer guten Ideen? Wie können zukunftsträchtige …
Andreas Seidl: Machtübergabe – Infrastruktur
Infrastruktur neu gedacht Haben Sie auch manchmal Sorge, dass Ihnen der zunehmende Verkehr Zeit und Geld raubt? Und wünschen auch Sie sich ein Leben in den eigenen vier Wänden? Welche …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Media
Media rethought Do you also sometimes worry about what information you can still trust? And do you also wish for a television programme in which you are more involved? Which media policy can …
Andreas Seidl: Machtübergabe – Arbeit
Arbeit neu gedacht Haben Sie auch manchmal Sorge, dass Sie Ihr Arbeitsplatz unglücklich macht? Und wünschen auch Sie sich eine freie und sichere Arbeitswelt für Mensch und Natur? Wie könnten …
Andreas Seidl: Machtübergabe – Bildung
Bildung neu gedacht Haben Sie auch manchmal Sorge, dass Lernen Ihnen mehr Angst bereitet als Freude? Und wünschen auch Sie sich ein Umfeld, in dem Sie alles leicht und schnell lernen können? Wie …
Andreas Seidl: Machtübergabe – Ausland
Außenpolitik neu gedacht Haben Sie auch manchmal Sorge, dass Ihnen die Globalisierung mehr schadet als nutzt? Und wünschen auch Sie sich einen ähnlichen Lebensstandard aller Menschen auf dieser …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Innovation
Innovation rethought Do you sometimes worry that important innovations are introduced too late? And do you also wish for an implementation of your good ideas? How can promising inventions be …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Labour
Work rethought Do you also sometimes worry that your workplace makes you unhappy? And do you also wish for a free and safe working world for humans and nature? How could consumers, entrepreneurs …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Planned Economy
Planned Economy rethought Do you also sometimes worry that you or many others could be unemployed? And do you also wish you were not left to fend for yourself in an emergency? What can a caring …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Barter Economy
Barter Economy rethought Do you sometimes worry that you won’t be able to live without money or the internet? And do you also wish for a retreat to slow down in nature? Where can you find areas …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – State Organisation
State organisation rethought Do you sometimes worry that you don’t know which state agencies are responsible for you? And do you also wish to be asked before decisions are made about your everyday …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Derivation
Problem solving rethought Do you also sometimes worry that you don’t know where to start with a solution because of all the problems? And do you also wish you had a wealth of proposals from which …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Infrastructure
Infrastructure rethought Do you also sometimes worry that the increasing traffic is robbing you of time and money? And do you also wish to live in your own four walls? What infrastructure policy …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Digital
Digital rethought Do you also sometimes worry that your personal data could be misused? And do you also wish for a safe digital environment when it comes to legal matters? What political form can …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Social Market Economy
Social Market Economy rethought Do you sometimes worry that you will be made redundant or that your company will go bankrupt? And do you also want safe products that are produced sustainably, …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Health
Health rethought Do you sometimes worry about becoming seriously ill without knowing who or what can help you? And do you also wish for an environment that keeps you healthy? Which healthcare …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Security
Safety rethought Do you sometimes worry that you can no longer go out on the street on your own without a care in the world? And would you also like active support in an emergency? What measures …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Foreign Affairs
Foreign policy rethought Do you sometimes worry that globalisation is doing you more damage than good? And do you also wish for a similar standard of living for all humans in this world? What kind …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Labour
Work rethought Do you also sometimes worry that your workplace makes you unhappy? And do you also wish for a free and safe working world for humans and nature? How could consumers, entrepreneurs …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Social Market Economy
Social Market Economy rethought Do you sometimes worry that you will be made redundant or that your company will go bankrupt? And do you also want safe products that are produced sustainably, …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Barter Economy
Barter Economy rethought Do you sometimes worry that you won’t be able to live without money or the internet? And do you also wish for a retreat to slow down in nature? Where can you find areas …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Free Market Economy
Free Market Economy rethought Do you sometimes worry that the state will impose so many regulations on you that you will no longer be able to compete on the world market? And do you also want …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Finance
Finances rethought Do you sometimes worry that your descendants will be able to afford less in the future? And do you also want an investment that will bring you and your environment long-term …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Innovation
Innovation rethought Do you sometimes worry that important innovations are introduced too late? And do you also wish for an implementation of your good ideas? How can promising inventions be …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Health
Health rethought Do you sometimes worry about becoming seriously ill without knowing who or what can help you? And do you also wish for an environment that keeps you healthy? Which healthcare …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Infrastructure
Infrastructure rethought Do you also sometimes worry that the increasing traffic is robbing you of time and money? And do you also wish to live in your own four walls? What infrastructure policy …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – State Organisation
State organisation rethought Do you sometimes worry that you don’t know which state agencies are responsible for you? And do you also wish to be asked before decisions are made about your everyday …
Andreas Seidl: Handover of Power – Digital
Digital rethought Do you also sometimes worry that your personal data could be misused? And do you also wish for a safe digital environment when it comes to legal matters? What political form can …