مؤلف: Andrej Pazman

Luc Pronzato is Directeur de Recherche at CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). From 2008 to 2011 he directed the I3S Laboratory (Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes, Sophia-Antipolis), University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis/CNRS, where he is still working. He his the co-author of the books Identification of Parametric Models from Experimental Data (with Eric Walter, Springer, 1997) and Dynamical Search: Applications of Dynamical Systems in Search and Optimization (with Henry P. Wynn and Anatoly A. Zhigljavsky, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2000).  Andrej P/”azman is Professor of Probability and Statistics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. He has been Head of the Department of Probability and Statistics (1992-1998) and Head of the Section of Mathematics of his faculty (1999-2001), and he is an elected member of the Learned Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He is the author of the books Foundations of Optimum Experimental Design (Reidel, Kluwer group, 1986) and Nonlinear Statistical Models (Kluwer, 1993).

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Andrej Pazman

Luc Pronzato & Andrej Pázman: Design of Experiments in Nonlinear Models
Design of Experiments in Nonlinear Models: Asymptotic Normality, Optimality Criteria and Small-Sample Properties provides a comprehensive coverage of the various aspects of experimental design f …
Andrej Pazman: Nonlinear Statistical Models
Nonlinear statistical modelling is an area of growing importance. This monograph presents mostly new results and methods concerning the nonlinear regression model. Among the aspects which are conside …