The Origin of Opportunity is the ability to deal, shift and respond to our rapidly changing circumstances by moving past cultural and self-imposed limitations. Fixed ideas, pre-made solutions and answers that only work for a short moment in time, and holding onto them can leave you broke, busted and alone.
Opportunity is focused on the questions at the heart of the matter, exposing the true problems keeping us reluctant to explore our own, true possibility. Origin of Opportunity is a conversation that will free you of others’ and your own imposeed beliefs; to experience freedom and peace of mind free from fear and anxiety -yes Origin of Opportunity can do just that.
You can truly know the truth regardless of what ‘authorities’ may tell you. You can quickly explore possibilities and be able to excute – now. Over 150 years ago Charles Darwin said, ‘It’s not the strongest who survives, nor the most intelligent. It’s the one most adaptable to change.’
This book contains a blueprint that will release you from constraints preventing you from changing anything and everything you want to in your social, personal and financial life.
You will:
- Be able to let go of past influences
- Discover the key human traps
- Experience ongoing love
- Discover why you never get what you want and how to fix it
- Understand how your past can dictate the future and how to break the pattern
- have the ability to be self-disruptive before the world does it for you
- Understand laws of possiblity and how to crack open opportunities
- Put yourself in the driver seat of you life
- End Mental and emotional suffering
- Transcend who you have been to become who you wer meant to be
Origin of Opportunity: this is your calling card, and it is calling you to affect change in your life… starting today!
قائمة المحتويات
Introduction Does Racism, Discrimination … or Even Tuesday Really Exist?……………………………………………………………………..5
Chapter 1 Break Out of the Glass Jar and Let the Fleas Loose ….13
Chapter 2 Free Yourself; Reality is an Opinion………………………….15
Chapter 3 Your Stories Determine Your Outcome…………………….21
Chapter 4 Who Voted on Your Quality of Life?………………………..27
Chapter 5 Let’s Get Our Minds Dirty………………………………………..29
Chapter 6 Who Cares Who You Are or Who I Am? …………………35
Chapter 7 Get Your Peace of Mind……………………………………………41
Chapter 8 Down to Business…………………………………………………….45
Chapter 9 Rising Through Fear…………………………………………………47
Chapter 10 Shades of Excuses and Mindsets………………………………49
Part Three The Realm
Chapter 11 Being On the Pursuit to Obtain Wisdom………………….53
Chapter 12 You Are Always 100 Percent Right! Seriously!………….61
Chapter 13 Reality and the Game of Existence……………………………67
Chapter 14 Knowledge, Meaning and the Lies of Persona ………….73
Chapter 15 Stuck With or Free From………………………………………….81
Chapter 16 Reason and the Limitation to Be Challenged……………89
Chapter 17 Blind Faith in Authorities Over the Truth………………..95
Chapter 18 Create a Positive Identity in Crisis………………………….101
Chapter 19 Create and Live in Possibility …………………………………105
Chapter 20 Being Unreasonable……………………………………………….109
Chapter 21 Reality of Agreements…………………………………………….115
Chapter 22 The Experience of Love…………………………………………..117
Chapter 23 Seeing Possibility……………………………………………………121
Chapter 24 Hearing from Possibility…………………………………………125
Chapter 25 Possibility of Thinking……………………………………………129
Chapter 26 Key Human Traps…………………………………………………..131
Chapter 27 Reach People by Conquering Suppression …………….135
Chapter 28 Choose to Risk Making Mistakes……………………………139
Chapter 29 The Art of Understanding………………………………………143
Chapter 30 The Purpose of Self Discovery………………………………..145
Chapter 31 Inner Restriction and Conscious Disagreement……..151
Chapter 32 Belief and Knowing………………………………………………..157
Chapter 33 Reflections, Shadows and Creation…………………………163
Chapter 34 Vast Content, Lens of Context and Our Internal Framework……165
Chapter 35 Concept versus Experience……………………………………171
Chapter 36 Money Is an Idea………………………………………………….175
Chapter 37 The Secret to Experiencing Love……………………………177
Chapter 38 Secrets and Mystery Destroy Relationships…………….181
Chapter 39 Experience your Experience and Raise Your EQ…….187
Chapter 40 The Idea of Success and the Experience of Success …191