Angel Igov is a Bulgarian writer, literary critic, and translator. He has published two collections of short stories, the first of which won the Southern Spring award for debut fiction. Igov has also translated books by Paul Auster, Martin Amis, Angela Carter, and Ian Mc Ewan into Bulgarian.Angela Rodel earned an M.A. in linguistics from UCLA and received a Fulbright Fellowship to study and learn Bulgarian. In 2010 she won a PEN Translation Fund Grant for Georgi Tenev”s short story collection. She is one of the most prolific translators of Bulgarian literature working today.
3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Angel Igov
Angel Igov: A Short Tale of Shame
CO-WINNER OF THE 2012 CONTEMPORARY BULGARIAN WRITERS CONTESTAfter deciding to take a semester off their studies to think about future plans, long-time friends Maya, Sirma, and Spartacus decide to hit …
Elena Alexieva & Yordanka Beleva: Ein fremder Freund
Die bulgarische Literatur erlebt gerade einen Höhenflug, der sie selbst zu überraschen scheint. Deshalb finden wir, es ist höchste Zeit, dem deutschsprachigen Lesepublikum eine kleine Probe davon zu …
Angel Igov: Die Sanftmütigen
Das schmale Buch war in Bulgarien eine kleine Sensation. Es greift ein historisches Tabu auf, dem die bulgarische Literatur die längste Zeit ausgewichen ist: die sogenannten „Volksgerichte“ 1944/45, …