Published in 1863, this novel concerns the struggles of a young man to win the woman he loves despite the disapproval of her religious parents. Luke Rowan, heir of one of the founders of the Bungall and Tappitt brewery, visits the brewery with plans of improving the beer—there he falls in love with Rachel Ray, a young woman whose pious older sister, Mrs. Prime, seeks to mold the girl in her own image.
عن المؤلف
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was a quintessential Victorian novelist best known for his series of novels, the Chronicles of Barsetshire, set in the imaginary county of Barsetshire. Tirelessly prolific, he tackled a rich assortment of the political, social, and gender issues of the day. As career employee of the British Postal System, he is credited with introducing the “pillar-box” mailboxes on street corners.