Dr. B. Mishra is Professor of Soil Science since October 1987 at G.B. Pant University of Agricultural and Technology, Pantnagar. He served the department as Head from 1996 to 1999 and later from March 2002 to till date. He was Dean, College of Agriculture from January 2006 to November 2006 and currently working Registrar of the University. He obtained special trainings at Goettingen University, Germany and Wageningen Agricultural university, Netherlands. Dr Mishra was Project Scientis at International rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines from November 1992 to May 1994. He has 36 years research and teaching experience and published 82 research papers and 7 reviews in international and national journals of repute and wrote 3 books. He received PPCL-ISAC national award in 1984 for his outstanding research on Rock phosphate utilization in crop production.
1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة B. Mishra
Dr Ramesh Chandra & B. Mishra: Management of Soil Quality for Sustainable Agriculture
Soil is a wonderful gift of nature to humankind, but limited, non-renewable and nonelastic resource. Past decades witnessed a considerable shrinkage in the soil due to unscrupulous increase in the ur …