Kurt Sandau (dengang Kurt Benny Hansen) var medlem og næstformand i Københavnsafdelingens bestyrelse fra 1976 og af hovedbestyrelsen fra 1977 og redaktionssekretær for Pan Bladet fra1979 frem til midten af 1980erne. Formand for Pan Clubs bestyrelse 1978-1980 i Nybrogade og fra 1980-1985 i Knabrostræde, hvor han også var bevillingshaver.
6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Bent Hansen
Bent Hansen: Study in the Theory of Inflation
This book, originally published in 1951, is a theoretical study inspired by some central economic problems which have appeared during and after the Second World War in many countries, including Scand …
Bent Hansen: Study in the Theory of Inflation
This book, originally published in 1951, is a theoretical study inspired by some central economic problems which have appeared during and after the Second World War in many countries, including Scand …
Bent Hansen: The Economic Theory of Fiscal Policy
The book explores whether fiscal policies can secure full employment without inflation, one of the key questions in economics after Keynes. Part 1, General Theory of Public Finance and Fiscal Policy, …
Bent Hansen: The Economic Theory of Fiscal Policy
The book explores whether fiscal policies can secure full employment without inflation, one of the key questions in economics after Keynes. Part 1, General Theory of Public Finance and Fiscal Policy, …
Steffen Jensen & Bent Hansen: Den lyserøde trekant mellem politik, aids og kultur
Dette er vores erindringer om vores politiske arbejde og arbejde med at lede Landsforeningen og dermed vores personlige vinkel på foreningens historie. På den ene side skriver vi om vores egne opleve …