مؤلف: Brian Sparks

Brian was a Golf Pro from age 16 until he passed away in 2022. He had played on the European and South African circuits in his late teens and early twenties and then played the French circuit in his late thirties. He discovered, whilst working in France as a coaching pro some novel new ideas and concepts of how to learn in simple ways to adopt a very natural action that was uncomplicated and easy to learn. His French students named him the Professor de Golf who taught “La Danse du Golf” (the dance of golf) a term he adopted for one of his simple exercises. By the time of his death he had coaches in seven countries and this book had been sold in 60 countries and is printed in four languages. He wanted to leave a legacy that would carry on after his death as he was convinced that most teachers are making the game too complicated and confuse their students. This was very important to him that golfers should learn just how easy golf can be not how difficult some people perceive it to be.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Brian Sparks

Brian Sparks: Positive Impact Golf
This is the golf book anyone who plays the game must read. It will declutter your mind and free you to develop your own potential at whatever level you play, weekend amateur through to young aspiring …
Brian Sparks: Positive Impact Golf
Dies ist das Golfbuch, das jeder, welcher das Spiel spielt, gelesen haben muss. Es wird Ihr Bewusstsein aufräumen und Sie in die Lage versetzen, Ihr eigenes Potenzial zu entwickeln, gleichgültig auf …
Brian Sparks & Philip Sparks: The Easiest Swing in Golf
Have you tried it all? Swing tips, instructional videos, complex swing mechanics-and found none of it works for more than a day? It’s exhausting, makes your back hurt -and probably your head too. Com …