If you have ever wondered why you
gain weight
lack energy
retain fluid
get headaches
lack mental clarity
suffer from digestive problems
have joint stiffness
—-and what to do about it—-
Then your problems could be food related.
This may be the book you need.
I love Caroline Sutherlands easy and delicious recipes. Her information totally inspired me to lose 50 pounds and, thanks to my newfound energy and mental clarity. I am really enjoying live.
-Barbara C., Los Angeles, California
I will always be grateful to Caroline Sutherland for her guidance and refinement of food choices. In order to stay very healthy and have lots of energy, I grow my own food and I am very aware of the foods that are right for me.
-Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life
عن المؤلف
Caroline Sutherland has a vast clinical background as an allergy-testing technician in environmental medicine, where her intuitive gift developed. She was raised in a medical fam-ily in which both her father and grandfather were medical doctors. As a child, the “blueprint” of her family lineage cre-ated important seeds for her future career as a medical intui-tive. For more than 25 years, she has lectured internationally on the subject, and her intuitive impressions have positively impacted the lives of more than 100, 000 people. Caroline is the author of numerous books and audio pro-grams on health, personal development, and self-esteem; as well as the founder of Sutherland Communications, which offers medical-intuitive training, weight-loss programs, and consultation services for adults and children. She is a popular guest on radio and television.