مؤلف: Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon is senior pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, an interdenominational church with more than 10, 000 people in attendance, representing more than 100 different nationalities. He joined the pastoral staff in 1994 at the invitation of founding pastor David Wilkerson, author of the best-selling book The Cross and the Switchblade. He was appointed to the office of senior pastor in 2001, and he continuesto be a voice for God far beyond the pulpit of Times Square Church. He is invited to speak at numerous conferences across the country and around the world. His weekly radio spots on 1010 WINS, the nation”s longest-running all-news station, and his sermons, interviews, and call-ins have been featured regularly on Times Square Church Live, a weekly radio broadcast on WMCA 570. Time to Pray, Pastor Carter”s one-minute devotional and thirty-minute program, is currently syndicated on over 350 Christian radio stations worldwide. He is the author of several books, including The 180 Degree Christian, Fear Not, and Unshakable.

7 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Carter Conlon

Carter Conlon: 180 Degree Christian
The city of Corinth was well known in the ancient world as a place where every desire could be sated, where every discerning taste could find satisfaction. Unfortunately, the Corinthian church, inste …
Carter Conlon: Fear Not
In these uncertain times, will we be gripped by fear, or will we understand how to truly live in the freedom of God’s command to "fear not"? Pastor Carter Conlon exposes the tactics of Sata …
Carter Conlon: Unshakable
The global financial crisis that began five years ago came as a shock to economists and to Wall Street movers and shakers, but it was no surprise to those in step with God’s Spirit. In UNSHAKABLE, Ca …
Carter Conlon: It’s Time to Pray
Foreword by Eric Metaxas. Prayers activate God's power and God's power changes everything.  There are far too many Christians who are walking around dejected, depressed, hopeless, powerl …
Carter Conlon: Chrétien à 180°
Résisterez-vous quand vous serez ébranlé? «Aujourd”hui, mon âme est en émoi. Je pressens que nous allons avoir à faire face à des temps très difficiles. Je crois que nous vivons une période où Dieu, …
Carter Conlon: N”ayez pas peur !
Je ne pense pas avoir besoin de vous convaincre que les jours à venir vont être plus difficiles que jamais : vous le savez déjà. Quelque chose dans votre cœur le perçoit, malgré l”optimisme qu …
Carter Conlon: Plus que vainqueur
Dans Plus que vainqueur, Carter Conlon propose un message prophétique d”espérance à l”intention du peuple de Dieu de par le monde. Certes, des temps difficiles nous attendent, mais le Saint-Esprit …