رسالة , يوميات الدعمآخر الأخبارالخيالالأدب السرديقبل عام 1945بعد عام 1945روايات تاريخية , قصص قصيرةحكايات خرافية , أساطير , أساطيرمقتطفات أدبيةالسير الذاتية الروائيةرسالة , يومياتمقالات , فويلتون , نقد أدبيالامثال6٬100 كتب إلكترونية في هذه الفئة Shaun Usher: Letters of Note: Dogs In Letters of Note: Dogs, Shaun Usher brings together a delightful collection of correspondence about our canine friends, featuring affectionate accounts of pups’ playful misdemeanours, heartfelt tri … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.16 The National Archives: In Their Own Words The way we communicate has changed. Today, many of our interactions are digital, but until recently writing letters was the norm. Drawing from over 100 miles of records held at the UK”s official gov … EPUB Adobe DRM €18.00 Edouard Daladier & Jean Daladier: Prison Journal, 1940-1945 Even after fifty years, and in spite of the reams of documents now available, it remains difficult-especially in France-to form an objective view of what things were like in the period between the wa … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.40 Marco Previero: Dear Millie “Dear Millie, I am writing you this letter in the hope that life has afforded you the opportunity to grow old enough to read it…” So starts the most extraordinary diary about a seven-year-old girl an … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.15 Samuel J. Rae: Diary of a Currency Trader Diary of a Currency Trader is Samuel J Rae’s no-nonsense, full disclosure look at his approach to the retail foreign exchange markets. Samuel takes you through his personal journey and how he got to … EPUB Adobe DRM €20.55 Patrick Gordon: Passages from the Diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries First published in 1968. This is a volume of selected passages from the extensive diary of General Gordon: the soldier of fortune, whose memoirs are now introduced to the Spadling Club, who had been … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.67 Louise Ross: Mansfield Park Volume II First published in 1995. Here, republished for the first time, is the first edition text of Jane Austen”s much loved classic masterpieces. A rare and inaccessible resource for most scholars, the fir … EPUB Adobe DRM €140.79 Shaun Usher: Letters of Note: Fathers In Letters of Note: Fathers, Shaun Usher collects together remarkable correspondence by and about fathers, including proud parental words of love, advice from experienced dads to new ones, as well as … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.16 Letters of Note: Cats In Letters of Note: Cats, Shaun Usher collects together the most engaging missives that celebrate, eulogise, rail against and analyse the idiosyncratic ways of our feline companions.Nikola Tesla, Eli … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.16 Shaun Usher: Letters of Note: Grief In Letters of Note: Grief, Shaun Usher gathers together some of the most powerful messages about grief, from the heart-wrenching pain of losing a loved one to reliving fond memories of those who have … EPUB Adobe DRM €6.17 الصفحة التالية >>> 0 0 كاونتر الدفع 0,00 × × × تغيير لغة المستخدم × عربىألمانيةالإنجليزيةالأسبانيةفرنسيالهنديةالأندونيسيةالإيطاليلغة الملايوهولنديالبولنديالبرتغاليةرومانيالروسيةاللغة السويديةالتايلانديةاللغة التركيةالأوكرانيالفيتناميةصينىInternational Modal ×