علم اللغة الدعمآخر الأخبارالعلوم الإنسانيةاللغاتعلم اللغةالأدبالألمانيةاللغة الإنجليزيةالجرمانية الأخرىالرومكلاسيكالسلافيةلغات أخرى53٬461 كتب إلكترونية في هذه الفئة Bruno Charbonneau: France and the New Imperialism The role of French security policy and cooperation in Africa has long been recognized as a critically important factor in African politics and international relations. The newest form of security coo … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.34 Patrick Young: Enacting Brittany Brittany offers an excellent example of a French region that once attracted a certain cultivated elite of travel connoisseurs but in which more popular tourism developed relatively early in the twent … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.37 Asa Lundqvist: Changing Relations of Welfare Changing Relations of Welfare is concerned with the complexities of family relations and practices in the recent past and how these have been imagined, addressed or elided in present policy making. I … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.45 Russell (Boise State University) Willerton: Plain Language and Ethical Action Plain Language and Ethical Action examines and evaluates principles and practices of plain language that technical content producers can apply to meet their audiences’ needs in an ethical way. Applyi … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.65 Ellen Winner: Developmental Perspectives on Metaphor Research on the development of metaphor abilities in children can be dated back as far as 1960, with Asch and Nerlove”s pioneering study, which concluded that children were unable to understand meta … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.62 Gennady Estraikh: Translating Sholem Aleichem Sholem Aleichem, whose 150th anniversary was commemorated in March 2009, remains one of the most popular Yiddish authors. But few people today are able to read the original. Since the 1910s, however, … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.50 Teresa Whitington: The Syllables of Time This study reveals reading to be one of the main activities to occupy the inhabitants of the world of Marcel Prousts novel A la recherche du temps perdu. Characters do not just read books but have ac … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.57 Jessica Wardhaugh: Politics and the Individual in France 1930-1950 The crises and conflicts of mid-century Europe highlight the fragility of individual life and commitment. Yet this was a time at which individuals engaged in politics on an unprecedented scale, wheth … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.21 RobertaAnn Quance: In the Light of Contradiction In 1926, as a young man of 28 with a growing reputation as an oral poet, Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) toyed with the idea of proving his worth in writing by bringing out a boxed set of three vol … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.46 Claire E. Honess: From Florence to the Heavenly City Dante”s political thought has long constituted a major area of interest for Dante studies, yet the poet”s political views have traditionally been considered a self-contained area of study and viewe … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.24 الصفحة التالية >>> 0 0 كاونتر الدفع 0,00 × × × تغيير لغة المستخدم × عربىألمانيةالإنجليزيةالأسبانيةفرنسيالهنديةالأندونيسيةالإيطاليلغة الملايوهولنديالبولنديالبرتغاليةرومانيالروسيةاللغة السويديةالتايلانديةاللغة التركيةالأوكرانيالفيتناميةصينىInternational Modal ×