الفلسفة – العامة الدعمآخر الأخبارغير واقعيةالفلسفة / الدينالسير الذاتية , السيرة الذاتيةالفلسفة – العامةالفلسفة – القديمة إلى المعاصرةالدين العامالديانة المسيحيةأديان أخرىمتنوعة49٬388 كتب إلكترونية في هذه الفئة Professor Dr. Peter Trawny: On Freedom How do we challenge the structures of late capitalism if all possible media through which to do do is inescapably capitalist? This urgent political question is at the heart of Peter Trawny”s major n … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.66 Dr Stephanie Rivera Berruz & Dr Leah Kalmanson: Comparative Studies in Asian and Latin American Philosophies Comparative philosophy is an important site for the study of non-Western philosophical traditions, but it has long been associated with “East-West” dialogue. Comparative Studies in Asian and Latin Am … EPUB Adobe DRM €39.24 Gary Slater & Andreas Vrahimis: An Analysis of Baruch Spinoza”s Ethics Baruch Spinoza’s Ethics is a dense masterpiece of sustained argumentative reasoning. It earned its place as one of the most important and influential books in Western philosophy by virtue of its unco … EPUB Adobe DRM €8.96 Paul G. Haskell: Why Lawyers Behave As They Do In Why Lawyers Behave as They Do, Paul Haskell explains the professional rules that govern how lawyers behave and which permitor requireconduct that laypersons may find unethical. In his criticism of … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.57 Associate Professor Jay Lampert: The Many Futures of a Decision Combining two a central topics in philosophy in the 20th Century, this book considers the ethics and impact of decision-making alongside the philosophy of time. When we make simple decisions, like th … EPUB Adobe DRM €32.42 Haridas Chaudhuri: Integral Yoga Originated by the great sage of modern India, Sri Aurobindo, integral yoga has been presented in this volume, first published in 1965, in the context of modern western thinking. It expounds the conce … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.32 Jennifer A. Frey & Candace (St. Norbert College, USA) Vogler: Self-Transcendence and Virtue Recent research in the humanities and social sciences suggests that individuals who understand themselves as belonging to something greater than the self—a family, community, or religious or spiritua … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.40 Bernie Cantens: A Critical Introduction to the Ethics of Abortion A Critical Introduction to the Ethics of Abortion addresses some of the most prominent and influential arguments to the abortion debate. These include the Being a Person verses Functioning as a Perso … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.15 Michael of Ephesus: On Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 10 with Themistius: On Virtue The two texts translated in this volume of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series both compare the happiness of the practical life, which is subject to the hazards of fortune, with the happines … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.21 Donald H. Ford & Martin E. Ford: Humans as Self-Constructing Living Systems Originally published in 1987, the purpose of this companion volume to Donald Ford’s (1987) Humans as Self-Constructing Living Systems: A Developmental Perspective on Personality and Behavior was to i … EPUB Adobe DRM €43.55 الصفحة التالية >>> 0 0 كاونتر الدفع 0,00 × × × تغيير لغة المستخدم × عربىألمانيةالإنجليزيةالأسبانيةفرنسيالهنديةالأندونيسيةالإيطاليلغة الملايوهولنديالبولنديالبرتغاليةرومانيالروسيةاللغة السويديةالتايلانديةاللغة التركيةالأوكرانيالفيتناميةصينىInternational Modal ×