الكيمياء غير العضوية الدعمآخر الأخبارعلومالكيمياءعام , موسوعاتالكيمياء النظريةالكيمياء غير العضويةالكيمياء العضويةالكيمياء الفيزيائيةمتنوعة711 كتب إلكترونية في هذه الفئة Pierre Villars & Karin Cenzual: BIbliography By browsing about 10 000 000 scientific articles of over 200 major journals some 200 000 publications were selected. The extracted data is part of the following material research fields: crystal stru … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €380.00 Yasu Furukawa: Inventing Polymer Science It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of polymer science to life in the twentieth century. Developments in polymer chemistry and engineering have led not only to the creation of a vari … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €84.99 Vito Lippolis & Claudio Santi: Chalcogen Chemistry Up until a few decades ago, chalcogen chemistry was mainly represented by the chemistry of sulfur-containing compounds. However, with the rise in research around selenium and tellurium compound chemi … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €164.99 Ian J S Fairlamb & Jason M Lynam: Organometallic Chemistry This Specialist Periodical Report aims to reflect these current interests, and since Volume 34 provides both comprehensive and critical reviews of the recent literature. … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €399.99 Pierre Villars & Karin Cenzual: Handbook Since the discovery of X-ray diffraction in 1913 over 100 000 different inorganic substances (also called compounds or phases) have been structurally characterized. The aim of this reference work is … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €310.00 Marie-Paule Pileni: Metal Nano 3D Superlattices Unique view on producing metal nano 3D superlattices by differing their morphologies, crystalline structures, chemical, and physical properties. Das E-Book Metal Nano 3D Superlattices wird angeboten … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €142.99 Pierre Villars & Karin Cenzual: Bibliography By browsing about 10 000 000 scientific articles of over 200 major journals mainly in a ‘cover to cover approach’ some 200 000 publications were selected. The extracted data is part of … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €340.00 Debabrata Banerjea & M K Bharty: Mechanisms of Reactions of Metal Complexes Reaction Mechanisms of Metal Complexes in Solution provides a comprehensive overview of an often-overlooked research area. Despite its importance and recent reshaping of the field, many inorganic che … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €199.99 Shuang-Quan Zang: Atomically Precise Metal Clusters A timely and comprehensive book that summarizes the recent progress in the surface modification and self-assembly of metal nanoclusters. Das E-Book Atomically Precise Metal Clusters wird angeboten vo … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €133.99 Pierre Villars & Karin Cenzual: Handbook Since the discovery of X-ray diffraction in 1913 over 100 000 different inorganic substances (also called compounds or phases) have been structurally characterized. The aim of this reference work is … PDF الإنجليزية Adobe DRM €300.00 الصفحة التالية >>> 0 0 كاونتر الدفع 0,00 × × × تغيير لغة المستخدم × عربىألمانيةالإنجليزيةالأسبانيةفرنسيالهنديةالأندونيسيةالإيطاليلغة الملايوهولنديالبولنديالبرتغاليةرومانيالروسيةاللغة السويديةالتايلانديةاللغة التركيةالأوكرانيالفيتناميةصينىInternational Modal ×