السياسة الدعمآخر الأخبارالعلوم الاجتماعيةالجنرالعلم الاجتماعالسياسةوسائل الإعلام / الاتصالاتالاثنولوجياالقانونالاقتصادعام , موسوعاتالعلوم السياسيةالنظرية السياسية , قصة الأفكارالنظام السياسيالعلوم السياسية , إدارة السياساتالسياسة والاقتصادالسياسة المقارنةنظرية التنمية , سياسات التنميةمتنوعة114٬955 كتب إلكترونية في هذه الفئة Yuichi Shionoya: The German Historical School With the increasing acceptance of evolutionary and institutional thinking among economists, general interest in the German Historical School has risen steadily during the last decade. This book trace … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.44 Matt Matravers: Scanlon and Contractualism This collection brings together essays by distinguished political philosophers which reflect on the detailed arguments of What We Owe to Each Other, and comment critically both on Scanlon”s contract … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.83 Igal Halfin: Language and Revolution This work examines the role of language in forging the modern subject. Focusing on the idea of the ‘New Man’ that has animated all revolutionaries, the present volume asks what it meant to define one … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.48 R. Calvert: Models of Imperfect Information in Politics Surveys the models of political phenomena that incorporate imperfect information, concentrating on ”full-rationality” approaches as opposed to bounded rationality models. … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.74 James L. Clayton: The Global Debt Bomb Within a historical perspective, Clayton clearly explains the ‘culture of debt’ – its definition, how it got to be such a major burden, why we can”t live without it, and ways to manage it more effic … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.23 Claudio M. Radaelli: Technocracy in the European Union One of the most common and strongest criticisms of the EU is that power is held by a select few who are unaccountable technocrats sitting in Brussels who without consultation formulate policies. A fr … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.72 F. Hendriks: Polder Politics This title was first published in 2001: Under the name of the ‘polder model’, the Dutch model of democracy has received favourable attention from journalists, administrators and political leaders. Th … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.35 Lynn Bennie: Understanding Political Participation Developing a framework of analysis which enables a detailed empirical investigation of Scottish Green Party membership, this is a detailed assessment of why people become members of a green party. Th … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.18 Robert J. Pauly: Strategic Preemption Placing the second US-Iraq conflict in the context of emerging trends in international relations, this exceptional, timely volume examines the broad framework of US policy toward Iraq under the admin … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.86 David Brooksbank: Security Manual Security Manual provides practical guidance on all aspects of security work and is a ready made source of information for all members of the security profession, including managers, supervisors and t … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.57 الصفحة التالية >>> 0 0 كاونتر الدفع 0,00 × × × تغيير لغة المستخدم × عربىألمانيةالإنجليزيةالأسبانيةفرنسيالهنديةالأندونيسيةالإيطاليلغة الملايوهولنديالبولنديالبرتغاليةرومانيالروسيةاللغة السويديةالتايلانديةاللغة التركيةالأوكرانيالفيتناميةصينىInternational Modal ×