Dr. Ved Prakash, Born on 1978, M.A., M.Phil. in Political Science from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Qualified the UGC NET and presently Assistant Professor at K.R. Mahavidyalaya Chenari, Bihar, under B.R. Ambedkar University. He joined the college in 2007. He has Specialization in south Asia. He has attended four National and International level seminars and presented research papers. He fluently writes on academic historical, political, social and literary subjects. He is totally devoted to research and serious writing on his permanent basis.
Dr. Chaitranyan Prabhat Raj, M.A., M.Phil., Social Scientist and researcher at a reputed social institution to the core is a highly qualified person and published his several articles pertaining to his sphere. He has edited several books and attended seminars and Conferences in his carrier. Currently he heads an academic bureau and a research institution in New Delhi. Now, he is engaged in accomplishing his prestigious project on: India Foreign Policies after Independence.
1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Chaitranyan Prabhat Raj
Ved Prakash & Chaitranyan Prabhat Raj: Gandhi, Ambedkar An Empowerment Of Dalit
Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, at Porbandar. Mohandas or Mohan was youngest of the three sons of Putlibai and Karamchand Gandhi. In January 1948, before three pistol shots put an end to his life …