Chris has helped raise to lovely daughters with his wife and gleaned many of Molly”s habits and opinions from them. He still teaches Computer Systems, as he has for over twenty years, to students from 9 to 90. With a Masters Degree in Media Development and a Degree in Software Engineering, he has created code for industry automation and Government A.I. systems and he likes to think he understands what makes a good computer work well. Spent a couple of years as a manager in a busy IT department before moving to teaching. Chris also has a healthy interest in all sorts of gadgets (though sadly, he still thinks the internet is cool!)
1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Chris A. Hart
Chris Hart: Molly and Corry Boot Up!
When Molly, a shy eleven year old, moves to a new town because of dads’ promotion, she loses touch with her friends and mum considers this a problem, but Molly simply retreats to her computer and doe …