An essential course of study for church leaders and candidates for Christian ministry
‘Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching’ (1 Tim. 4:16)
This course is a study of the three New Testament Epistles traditionally attributed to the apostle Paul – The ‘Pastoral Epistles’ – 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. This course-book will make the student aware of the issues surrounding the authorship, date and purpose of these epistles; and discuss of the principles of early church theology, practice and governance described within them.
This course is meant to help the student discover how we can apply these principles to the 21st century Church, and so equip the student for Christian ministry as they lead the church of God in a modern context.
قائمة المحتويات
Course Outline: Pastoral Epistles
Recommended Reading
Class project
The Pastoral Epistles: Introduction
Pastoral: What’s in a Name?
The Pastoral Epistles
1. How would you define the word ‘pastoral’?
2. What do you think someone needs to learn about the basics of pastoral ministry?
3. To whom do you turn for advice and support in ministry?
Authorship, Date and Purpose:
Other Objections to Pauline Authorship
Paul’s Heart for the Church
Paul’s Personal Call to the Ministry
1 Timothy: The Ministry of the Local Church
Main purpose
1 Timothy Chapter 1
1 Timothy Chapter 2: An Attitude of Prayer
What is Prayer?
Why Pray?
Reasons for Prayer
The Central Calling of the Believer
The Correct Attitude and Conduct in Life
1 Timothy Chapter 3: Church Government/Leadership
Church Organisation
Three Main Types of Church Organisation
Another Look at Leaders: The ‘Must-Be’ People (1 Tim. 3:13)
1 Timothy Chapter 4: Good Discipline
1 Timothy Chapter 5: Widows and Elders
Quality Control in the Church:
What is the Framework for Discipline?
Serious Issues
1 Timothy Chapter 6: Instructions to Ministers
2 Timothy: Paul’s Last Words
Main themes
2 Timothy Chapter 1
Timothy Chapter 2: A Good Soldier
Personal Conduct
2 Timothy Chapter 3: Difficult Times Ahead
The Medicine for the Church in these Difficult Times
2 Timothy Chapter 4: Keep Preaching!
Paul’s Last Will and Testament
Titus: The Hope of the Gospel
Main themes
Titus had 4 main reasons for being on the island of Crete:
Main theology:
Titus Chapter 1
Titus Chapter 2: Christian Duty
Titus Chapter 3: Godly Living
عن المؤلف
Dr Chris Palmer is a regional director for the One Mission Society. He travels extensively, teaching Christian leaders and students in Bible colleges, churches and seminaries throughout the world. He is married to Jayne and they have one son, Thomas.