مؤلف: Chris Rice

This author is just a regular tax-paying American citizen. One who has became totally disgruntled with American politics, and the politicians of today. One who believes that it is every Americans duty to speak out, and become involved in helping this country fix the many problems plaguing Washington D.C. and the politicians who run it.

6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Chris Rice

Chris Rice: Politics in America
The Declaration of Independence is a great document. In it are great words to live by. It was written by great people living in very difficult times. 235 odd years later, we are still living in very …
Chris Rice: Understanding Customers
This fully updated second edition of Understanding Customers is a recommended textbook for the Understanding Customers Certificate CIM paper. It is divided into six parts covering the social sciences …
Chris Rice: Understanding Customers
This fully updated second edition of Understanding Customers is a recommended textbook for the Understanding Customers Certificate CIM paper. It is divided into six parts covering the social sciences …
Emmanuel Katongole & Chris Rice: Reconciling All Things
Christianity Today Book Award winner Our world is broken and cries out for reconciliation. But mere conflict resolution and peacemaking are not enough. What makes real reconciliation possible? How is …
Spencer Perkins & Chris Rice: More Than Equals
‘The first step in the reconciliation process, ‘ Spencer Perkins writes, ‘is admitting that the race problem exists and that our inability to deal with race has weakened the credibility of our gospel …
Chris Rice: From Pandemic to Renewal
The pandemic changed the world on a global scale. Not only was it devastating in terms of loss of life, it also revealed deep layers of anxiety and brokenness throughout society. Mental exhaustion, e …