During the 1960s the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas introduced the notion of a “bourgeois public sphere” in order to describe the symbolic arena of political life and conversation that originated with the cultural institutions of the early eighteenth-century; since then the “public sphere” itself has become perhaps one of the most debated concepts at the very heart of modernity. For Habermas, the tension between the administrative power of the state, with its understanding of sovereignty, and the emerging institutions of the bourgeoisie—coffee houses, periodicals, encyclopedias, literary culture, etc.—was seen as being mediated by the public sphere, making it a symbolic site of public reasoning. This volume examines whether the “public sphere” remains a central explanatory model in the social sciences, political theory, and the humanities.
قائمة المحتويات
Introduction: Beyond Habermas? From the Bourgeois Public Sphere to Global Publics
Christian J. Emden and David Midgley
Part I: Public Opinion in the Democratic Polity
Chapter 1. Public Sphere and Political Experience
Lord (Richard) Wilson
Chapter 2. Public Opinion and Public Sphere
Gordon Graham
Chapter 3. The Tyranny of Majority Opinion in the Public Sphere
Gary Wihl
Part II: Knowledge and the Public Sphere
Chapter 4. Epistemic Publics: On the Trading Zones of Knowledge
Christian J. Emden
Chapter 5. The Public in Public Health
Anne Hardy
Chapter 6. Geeks and Recursive Publics: How the Internet and Free Software Make Things Public
Christopher Kelty
Part III: Democracy, Philosophy, and Global Publics
Chapter 7. Mediating the Public Sphere: Digitization, Pluralism, and Communicative Democracy
Georgina Born
Chapter 8. Critique of Public Reason: Normativity, Legitimation, and Meaning in the Public Sphere
Steven G. Crowell
Chapter 9. On the Global Multiplicity of Public Spheres: The Democratic Transformation of the Public Sphere?
James Tully
عن المؤلف
David Midgley is Professor in German Literature and Culture at the University of Cambridge, England, and a Fellow of St. John’s College. His publications include Writing Weimar: Critical Realismin German Literature, 1918–1933 (Oxford University Press, 2000).