مؤلف: Cooper Thompson

Cooper Thompson has been leading workshops, consulting, and organizing against sexism, homophobia, and racism for 30 years. He was born in 1950 and lived in the United States until 2003, when he moved to Nürnberg, Germany, where he now lives. He is the author of many essays and educational materials on oppression and a co-author of White Men Challenging Racism: 35 Personal Stories (2003, Duke University Press) Most of his essays, as well as excerpts from his books, can be found at homepage.

1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Cooper Thompson

Harry Brod & Emmett Schaeffer: White Men Challenging Racism
White Men Challenging Racism is a collection of first-person narratives chronicling the compelling experiences of thirty-five white men whose efforts to combat racism and fight for social justice are …