The history of American universities is punctuated by shifts in the terms on which the mission of higher education is defined and debated. A dramatic moment with lasting effects came with the introduction of German-speaking exile intellectuals in the Hitler era. In Germany, the academic culture of the early twentieth century was torn by the struggle between Wissenschaft and Bildung, two symbolic German terms, whose lack of precise English equivalents is a sign of the different configuration in America. The studies in this book examine the achievements of numerous influential émigré intellectuals against the background of their mediation between the two cultural traditions in science and liberal studies. In showing the richness of reciprocal influences, the book challenges claims about the disruptive influence of exile culture on the American mind.
قائمة المحتويات
The Other Germany and the Question of Bildung: Weimar To Bonn; D.Kettler & G.Lauer The Legacy of the George Circle; E.Osterkamp Walter Benjamin’s ‘Secret Germany’; I.Wohlfarth Unattached Intellectuals with Hidden Ties: The Surrealists and the Institut für Sozialforschung In Exile in the United States; L.Jeanpierre A Humanist Program in Exile: Thomas Mann in Philosophical Correspondence with His Contemporaries; R.Mehring Watermarks of the Reich: Erich Kahler in Exile; G.Lauer Bildung as Reproblematization or Deproblematization: Max Weber, Erich von Kahler, and Helmuth Plessner; R.Laube Science and Cultural Interpretation: A Post-Exilic Retrospective of Cassirer and Heidegger at Davos; G.B.Moynahan Paul Oskar Kristeller, Ernst Cassirer, and the ‘Humanistic Turn’ in American Emigration; K.Schiller The Reparation of Dead Souls – Siegfried Kracauer’s Archimedean Exile – The Prophetic Journey from Death to Bildung; J.Zaslove An Exile’s Career from Budapest through Weimar to Chicago: László Moholy-Nagy; A.Wessely From Bildung to Planning: Karl Mannheim in Exile; C.Loader ‘Political Culturalism’?: Adornos ‘Entrance’ in the Cultural Concert of the Westgerman Postwar History; A.Söllner Horkheimer, Adorno, and the Significance of Antisemitism: The Exile Years; J.Jacobs Not-Such-Odd Couples: Paul Lazarsfeld and the Horkheimer Circle on Morningside Heights; T.Wheatland Negotiating Exile: Franz L. Neumann and Political Bildung; D.Kettler
عن المؤلف
DAVID KETTLER was born in Leipzig and emigrated to the United States in 1940. He is Scholar in Residence at Bard College, USA and Professor Emeritus in Political Studies at Trent University, Canada. A political theorist by training, Kettler is author of several books on Karl Mannheim, most recently
Karl Mannheim’s Sociology as Political Education (2002: with Colin Loader), as well as studies dealing with Franz L. Neumann and other legal and political thinkers with careers in both Weimar Germany and exile, most recently collected as
Social Regimes, Rule of Law, and Democratic Change (2001).
GERHARD LAUER is Professor of German at the University of Goettingen, Germany. He focuses his studies in early modern literary history, history of science, German-Jewish History and literary theory.