A great companion to Adult Bible Studies, Daily Bible Study can also be used as a stand-alone study. It is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, and Christ-focused, it coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, life application, and a concluding prayer.
Spring Theme: Holy
This spring, DAILY B...
A great companion to Adult Bible Studies, Daily Bible Study can also be used as a stand-alone study. It is presented in quarterly segments. Bible-based, and Christ-focused, it coordinates with the lesson themes of Adult Bible Studies. Each lesson includes a one-page Bible study for each day of the quarter, along with introductory reflection questions and commentary on the daily Scripture passage, life application, and a concluding prayer.
Spring Theme: Holy
This spring, DAILY BIBLE STUDY presents a series of readings supporting the theme “Holy.” Readings come from both Old and New Testament texts. These daily readings, which prepare us for the 13 lessons in Adult Bible Studies, are written by Randy Cross, Susan Groseclose, and Clara Welch.
Holy Living
The daily readings in this unit help us focus on living as holy people, ways we can nurture holiness in our lives, physical holiness, and prayer and holiness.
New in Christ
The readings in this unit support the apostle Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 5:17. Readings in the first week highlight Jesus’ resurrection, which is the basis for our new creation. Subsequent readings challenge us to consider some of the ways we are new in Christ: we live by new standards, we behave differently, and we allow ourselves to become carriers of the gospel message.
God Revealed
The five weeks of daily readings in this unit explore some of the ways God has revealed God’s self in the biblical account, including self-declaration, quietness, through Jesus, visions, and love. God is not limited to these avenues of expression, of course, but these help us grasp some of the scope of the ways God comes to us.