Every age has characteristic inventions that change the world. In the 19th century it was the steam engine and the train. For the 20th, electric and gasoline power, aircraft, nuclear weapons, even ventures into space. Today, the planet is awash with electronic business, chatter and virtual-reality entertainment so brilliant that the division between real and simulated is hard to discern. But one new idea from the 19th century has failed, so far, to enter reality—time travel, usi...
قائمة المحتويات
PART ONE: Spacetime Time.- Time Travel Unraveled.- The Scientific Basis for Time Machines.- Closed Timelike Loops.- Don’t Change the Past.- PART TWO: Time Machine Ti...
عن المؤلف
Damien Broderick is an award-winning novelist, critic and theorist who holds a doctorate in the comparative discourse analysis of the sciences and humanities. He has publi...