Relationships are beautiful messes.
Relationship is a journey of discovery-a lost art, in fact. This generation has major challenges in deepening and growing personal relationships. Our technology-flooded environment has left many with limited relational experience and a fear of face-to-face connection, meeting new people, and going deep in relationship.
The church has done a decent job of helping people understand the need and importance of a relationship with God, but what about with each other? At the heart of every man, woman, and child is the need for connection-for relationships with people who love them for who they are.
In The Lost Art of Relationship, Dan Chrystal gets at the true heart of relationship based on the time-honored instruction ‘to love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ But what does that mean? How do we live out this odd instruction? Who is my neighbor, anyway? What makes relationships healthy, and what makes them fail? Through Dan’s personal stories and difficult life lessons, readers will come away encouraged, inspired, and motivated to love the people in their life more fully. If you desire deep and meaningful connections, now is the time to discover the lost art of relationship.
For deeper study, Discussions for Better Relationships is an 8-week study guide incorporating discussion questions, scripture, life exercises, and prayer. This guide is perfect for church small groups, groups of friends, or even family members to get real and go deeper in friendship and connection.
قائمة المحتويات
Foreword by Ray Johnston ………………………………………………xi
Part One—Foundations of Relationship
1. The Art of Discovery……………………………9
2. The Art of First Impressions……………………15
3. The Art of Service & Reconciliation……………25
4. The Art of Forgiveness …………………………31
5. The Purpose of Relationship……………………45
6. The Art of Relationship …………………………51
7. The Art of Friendship ……………………………57
8. The Art of Transcending Differences ……………65
9. The Art of Encouragement ………………………69
10. The Art of Vulnerability …………………………77
11. The Art of Unity …………………………………83
Part Two—Overcoming Obstacles to Relationship
12. Overcoming Inhibition & Insecurity…………….95
13. Overcoming Jealousy……………………………99
14. Overcoming Unhealthy Relationships…………103
Part Three—Building Blocks of Relationship
15. The Art of Hope………………….115
16. The Art of Humility……………….121
17. The Art of Influence………………127
18. The Art of Community……………137
19. The Art of Love……………………147
20. The Art of Structural Integrity ……157
21. The Art of Trust ……………………161
23. The Art of the Question ……………181
Conclusion ………………………………191
Appendix 1—Foot-washing Service Script …………193
Notes ……………………………………………………195
About the Author and The Sophos Group……………197
عن المؤلف
Jennifer Edwards is an established professional editor and writer serving Christian authors and publishers. She edits non-fiction, specializing in developmental, content, and line editing. She is thorough, fast, and flexible, with fair rates.
Jennifer earned an MA in Biblical/Theological Studies from Western Seminary Sacramento. Her seminary training has proven invaluable by providing a critical eye for content, a thorough understanding of Scripture, and insightful theological thinking. She manages publishing & marketing for Principles to Live By, a non-profit that publishes discipleship materials to Christians worldwide ( She freelances for Lexham Press, and BMH Publishing, working with talented editorial teams on numerous titles.