I”ve done a lot of things that would be really impressive if someone else had done them.Sailed around the North Atlantic for two years in a Coast Guard cutter, rode the big waves, came back to New York and rode the subways without holding on, helped fly a kite up the middle of the English Channel.Got a degree in journalism at UConn, but skipped classes, slept in the office at the Daily Campus two or three nights a week, covered the 1980 presidential election in Mass., N.H., and Illinois, followed John Anderson around, graduated the day Mt. St. Helens erupted. Worked as a correspondent for the Hartford Courant, quit to cover the statehouse for the Connecticut State News Bureau, got fired for writing a story for the New York Times. Wrote for the Times for a year. Interviewed Ben Bova, called Paul Newman”s agent for a story on his Hole in the Wall Gang camp for sick kids, prompting a major press event at the camp where I got a 5-minute private interview with Newman. Got a job at the Journal Inquirer. First assignment, meet with a whistleblower in a janitor”s closet at the state police academy. Met Buzz Aldrin at a SFWA Editors & Publishers event, met him again two days later at a NASA event and got a 5-minute private interview.There”s more, but you”ll have to read the book.
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Daniel Hatch & Rebecca McFarland Kyle: Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #219
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Daniel Hatch: Den of Thieves
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Daniel Hatch: The Long Game
How you can have a decent space opera if you can’t travel faster than the speed of light: Stay in the spaceport, everything will come to you. Alex has come to the spaceport on Minos following the tra …